Cycling Ireland has been notified of the General Meeting of the Olympic Council of Ireland to elect its incoming Executive Committee. The date of this meeting is 9th February 2017 with nominations closing on 11th January 2017. All current positions are available for election and these comprise:-


1st Vice President

2nd Vice President

Honorary General Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

7 Executive members

The Board of Cycling Ireland would welcome expressions of interest from members who would wish to be considered for nomination by C. I. In respect of any of these positions applicants should have a proven track record in sports administration, preferably cycling.

Applications, containing a brief bio of their administrative background and indicating which post they are interested in being nominated for should be forwarded by email to the C. I. Honorary Secretary Jack Watson, to arrive by Friday 23rd December 2016.

A sub-committee of the Board of Cycling Ireland has been established to vet the nominations and to make recommendations to the Board for approval before submission to the O.C.I. prior to the closing date of 11th January 2017.