08th September 2014

Dear Club Secretary / Commission Chairperson / Provincial Secretary,

This year the AGM and Awards’ Night will be held on separate dates as follows:

·         AGM - on the 1st November in the Shearton Hotel in Athlone;

·         Awards’ Night - on the 15th November at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin.


Motions and nominations for consideration at the 2014 AGM must be returned to the Company Secretary no later than 1700 hours on 24th September 2014.  Any motions of a sporting or technical nature should be raised with the relevant Commission(s), proposals not worded in a clear and unambiguous manner may be returned.  Proposals that require a change to the current technical rules must reference the relevant rule(s) in question and provided proposed new wording. 

Commission and Provincial Executives AGMs ideally should be held in advance of the main company AGM in order to facilitate submission of motions arising from Commission/Provincial Executive AGMs to the main company AGM.  Commissions and Provincial Executives are reminded that the standard requirement for final notice of Commission and Provincial Executive AGMs is 21 days, this would require Commissions/Provincial Executives to issue preliminary notice of their AGM and invite motions and nominations for vacant posts in sufficient time so as to be included on the final notice of their AGM.

IRISH CYCLING FEDERATION – 2014 AGM Preliminary Notice

Notice is hereby given that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at 11 a.m., on the 1st November in the Shearton Hotel in Athlone.


The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:


a)      To consider the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting

b)      To receive and consider the Directors’ Report annexed to the 2013 annual accounts of the Company.

c)       To receive and consider the certified audited financial statements of the Company for the previous year.

d)      To elect a Board Director as Honorary Secretary, subject to the terms of articles 36, 37 and 38.

e)      To elect a Board Director as Honorary Treasurer, subject to the terms of articles 36, 37 and 38.

f)       To elect one Board Directors without executive post, subject to the terms of articles 36, 37 and 38. 


The following Board positions are vacant as at the Annual General Meeting:

1.       Honorary Secretary (incumbent J. Watson);

2.       Honorary Treasurer (incumbent J. McArdle);

3.       One Board Directors (incumbent P. O’Shaughnessy).

Nominations are invited for the above posts on the enclosed nomination form, to reach Cycling Ireland by 1700 hours on 24th September, 2014.

g)      To approve the principles of the following year’s budget.

h)      To fix the entrance fees and rate of annual subscriptions for the following year.

i)        To appoint Auditors to the Company for the following year.

j)        To transact any Special Business or to discuss any general business of the Company.  Notice, in writing, of motions for discussion shall have been deposited with the Secretary by 1700 hours on 24th September, 2014.


By order of the Board and dated the 08th day of September, 2014. 


Geoff Liffey,

Company Secretary.