Registered Office: Kelly Roche House, 619 North Circular Road, Dublin 1

CRO registration number: 134567


Directors: Jack Watson, James McArdle, Denis Toomey, Senan Turnbull, Pat O’Shaughnessy, Anthony Mitchell, Vern Power, John Horgan

The Irish Cycling Federation trading as Cycling Ireland, an Irish registered company limited by guarantee.

Standing Orders for 2014 Cycling Ireland AGM

1         Only club, commission or provincial executive delegates and persons invited by the Chairman may address the meeting.

2         A motion can only be moved by a representative of the member, as defined in the Articles of Association 2 (a) to (g) inclusive, who proposed the motion or by a Board member.

3         A motion or amendment shall be seconded immediately after the mover’s speech and before any discussion is permitted.

4         A speaker shall not speak more than once in debate on any motion or amendment except in the following circumstances:

a.       A seconder may reserve their speech until later in the discussion providing the seconding is purely formal;

b.      The mover of the motion shall be entitled to reply to the debate on the motion;

c.       The movers of any amendment and the original motion shall be entitled to reply in that order at the end of the discussion on each amendment and before voting takes place;

d.      By permission of the Chairman where an explanation, information or correction is necessary.

5         In reply to debate the movers must confine themselves to answering previous speakers and must not introduce new matters into the discussion.

6         Speakers may be limited to three minutes for the mover of the motion, two minutes for the mover of the amendment and one minute for other speakers.

7         If more than one amendment is proposed to the original motion they shall be set against the motion in their order in the final agenda. If an amendment is carried, then the motion, as amended, shall become the substantive motion.

8         A decision shall not be rescinded or amended at the same meeting by any subsequent motion.

9         It shall be competent for any delegate, who has not taken part in the debate, to move formally:

a.       That the question be put;

b.      That the meeting proceed with the next business;

c.       That the debate (or meeting) be adjourned;

d.      The previous question

10     The vote on such motion shall be taken immediately without discussion - if the motion that the question be now put is carried.

11     Any person ruled out of order by the Chairman will cease speaking and resume their seat.

12     Any person who, having been ruled out of order by the Chairman, refuses to comply with these Standing Orders will be expelled from the meeting.

13     The meeting shall, on a motion duly moved and seconded, and with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the delegates voting, suspend such provisions of these Standing Orders as shall be specified by the motion. In moving any such motion, the mover shall state the purpose for which the suspension is sought and the motion shall be put to the meeting without discussion.

Irish Cycling Federation 2014 AGM at Shearton Hotel, Athlone Town , County Westmeath on 1st November 2014 at 1100 hours


1.      President’s address.

2.      To adopt the attached standing orders for the orderly conduct of the AGM.

3.      To consider the minutes of:

·            the AGM of 26th October 2013,

4.      To:

·           receive and consider the Directors’ report annexed to the 2013 annual accounts of the company;

·           receive and consider the certified audited financial statements of the company for the year ended 31st December 2013;

·           receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account for the nine months to the 30th September 2014 and the 2015 budget principles.

Mr. Sam McArdle, Honorary Treasurer, will present these.

5.      To fix membership fees for 2015, Mr. Sam McArdle, Honorary Treasurer, will present these. The only change proposed by the Board to the existing fees structure is to remove the introductory license category.

6.      To appoint Auditors for 2015.

7.      To consider the following reports:

·           Off-road Commission Report;

·           Track Commission Report;

·           BMX Commission Report;

·           Women’s Commission Report;

·           Paracycling Commission Report;

·           Youth Academy Report;

·           Anti-Doping Report;

·           College of Commissaires Report.

8.      Business update presented by Mr. G, Liffey, CEO.

9.      New Strategy Update by Mark O’Connell from W2 Consulting

10. To consider the following motions:


1)         The Women's Commission propose that organisers of women's beginner's closed circuit races and women's training days be permitted to issue a one day licence limited to one time per participant.


2)         The Women's Commission propose that taking account of participation issues unique to women’s racing the women's commission propose the following addendum to Chapter T1, section 5.
(f) In a women's stage race where riders may only enter as part of a team, the organiser will be allowed flexibility with regard to sections ‘(c); (d) in the creation of club/composite teams.

3)         The Women’s Commission propose the introduction of a grading system for women and that it commence at the beginning of the 2016 season and that it be administered by a CI office employee.


5)         The Women’s Commission propose that a notice be published by Cycling Ireland announcing their intended high performance programmes including details of each discipline and solicit applications for same allowing an adequate period for riders to apply.  e.g. Junior World’s TT & Road; Senior World’s Road; Track Pursuit Squad & Rás na mBan


6)         The women’s commission proposes that the junior and master women’s national road race championships are run concurrently over a distance not to exceed 80km.

7)         Cycling Connacht propose that, the Senior National Road Championship structure revert back to the structure as set out in CI technical regulations G8 article 12 where the championships are rotated around the provinces on a 4 year basis starting with the Elite Championships bundle and Criterium Championships in Connacht in 2015.We would also ask that Cycling Ireland are more transparent and informative in their dealings relating to the awarding of Championship races.

9)      Banbridge CC propose the introduction of a ‘non-cycling’ categorised Cycling Ireland licence.  This licence type would accommodate the many regular non-cycling volunteers who assist clubs with events or administrative tasks. These volunteers may be associated with clubs due to family connections or previous memberships but now have no intention in cycling themselves.  They are however willing and happy to assist and support clubs in many other formal activities which may require Cycling Ireland membership, including event organisation & standing for minor club administrative roles.  They may also carry out duties where a full Cycling Ireland licence is not required, such as regular marshaling or timekeeping for example, however becoming a member of a club will add to a ‘sense of belonging’ and hopefully encourage them to stay with the club for longer and continue to offer their support and services. As non-cyclists they would not require the insurance applied to the other licence types and as such a lower annual fee would be expected.


10)     Cycling Ulster propose that a non-cycling membership to be re-introduced to cater for members who do not cycle. This membership to be capped at 10 euro.

11)   Cycling Ulster propose that next of kin details to be a mandatory field when applying for a licence.

12)   Cycling Ulster propose Chapter T4 Article 2 of the Technical Rules and Regulations to be amended to include the maximum distances permitted for Juniors competing in Road Races, Time Trials and other applicable disciplines. 

a.       If necessary a simple chart to be included similar to that of Chapter T4 Article 1 Youth.


13)   South Dublin CC propose that Vets over 50 category is to be abolished.


14)   South Dublin CC propose that unplaced results to collect 1 point.


15)   South Dublin CC Propose that the National Criterium Championships to be confirmed, approved and be in the calendar before print.

16)   Orwell Wheelers propose that Cycling Ireland make a permanent rule that riders may upgrade by one category on their first licence application of the season. Replacing:

“T3. 2(e) For 2014 Category A4, A3 or A2 riders as at the end of 2013 may opt to upgrade by one category 
on their first licence application for 2014, this option will not extend beyond 31st December 2013."

with :

“T3. 2(e) Category A4, A3 or A2 riders may opt to upgrade by one category on their first licence application for the season."

17)   Orwell Wheelers propose that Cycling Ireland award points for open time trials Adding:

“T3. 1(n) In open time trials, points to be awarded 3-2-1 for the first three riders”

     18) Team Bikeworx Celbridge propose a motion to levy €2 onto Cycling Ireland full competition & limited            
              competition senior licences to facilitate the running of the Junior Tour of Ireland 2015


                     19) The board of Cycling Ireland propose

Article 1—Single Day Races                                                                                                                                                                                     

20. The maximum distance for one-day races shall be as follows: -

Junior Men 140kms

Senior Men 200kms

Junior Women 80kms

Elite Women 140kms

A4 Riders 80kms

To be replaced by,


20. The maximum and minimum distances per day shall be as follows,

Junior Men A3

140 Kms


Senior Men A+, A1, A2, A3



Men A4

120 Kms


Junior Women



Elite Women









11. To elect an Honorary Secretary, the following have been nominated:

·         Mr J. Watson has been nominated by Stamullen M Donnelly Road Club, Iverk Produce Carrick Wheelers, Church Island Cycling Club, Cycling Ulster and Northern Ireland Cycling Federation

·         Mr C. Fullerton has been nominated by Donegal Bay Cycling Club


12. To elect an Honorary Treasurer, the following have been nominated:

·           Mr James. McArdle nominated by Swords Cycling Club

·           Mr Carl. Fullerton has been nominated by Donegal Bay Cycling Club


13. To elect One Board member, the following have been nominated:

·         Mr Carl. Fullerton has been nominated by Donegal Bay Cycling Club

·         Mr Terry O’Neill  has been nominated by Blarney Cycling Club;

·         Ms Siobhan O’Connor has been nominated by the Women’s Commission


14. Close of AGM.