The Cycling Ireland Annual General Meeting will take place on 11ht November, at 11am, at the Canal Court Hotel, Newry Co Down. Delegates are requested to arrive prior to 10:45 in order to facilitate a timely start to the AGM.

Standing orders and the Final Notice for the AGM can be found here

A detailed AGM manual with the various reports, accounts and other information will be made available to delegates on the day and also on the Cycling Ireland website at in advance of the AGM.

Please also note:

·         Only clubs registered for at least six months are entitled to vote (clause 25.b.ii);

·         Those casting votes must be at least 18 years old as at the date of the AGM (clause 34);

·         A member may cast only a signal vote for each Affiliated Club, Provincial Executive or Commission of which they are a delegate for (clause 34);

·         There is no voting by proxy (clause 25.b.iii)