Registered Office: Kelly Roche House, 619 North Circular Road, Dublin 1

CRO registration number: 134567


Directors: Anthony Mitchell, Carl Fullerton, Ciaran McKenna, Eugene Moriarty, Jack Watson, John Horgan, Liam Twomey, Michael Mannix

The Irish Cycling Federation trading as Cycling Ireland, an Irish registered company limited by guarantee.

10th August 2017

Dear Club Secretary / Commission Chairperson / Provincial Secretary,

The AGM and Awards’ Night will be held on separate dates as shown below:

· AGM - on the 11th November in the Newry Canal Park Hotel, Newry;

· Awards’ Night - on the 25st November at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin.

Motions and nominations to be returned no later than 1700 hours on 21st September, 2017 to Cycling Ireland preferable by email to with the subject line “2017 CI AGM”. All submissions will be acknowledged. It is recommended that any motions of a sporting or technical nature should be discussed with the relevant National Commission(s).

Motions should be submitted using the motions form included with this notice. National Commissions and Provinces AGMs ideally should be held in advance of the deadline for motions and nominations to Cycling Ireland AGM in order to facilitate submission of motions arising from National Commissions/Provinces AGMs. National Commissions and Provincial Executives are reminded that the standard requirement for final notification of Commission and Provinces AGMs is 21 days. This would require Commissions/Provinces to issue preliminary notice of their AGM and invite motions and nominations for vacant posts in sufficient time so as to be included on the final notice of their AGM.


Board Nomination Form

Motion Proposal Form

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Liffey, Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary, Cycling Ireland.