Aqua Blue Sport are delighted to confirm that the team has received invitations to Liege Bastogne Liege and La Fleche Wallonne.

The riders have just returned from the Tour of Oman where their attacking style saw them involved in daily attacks and record a top 15 placing on GC.

Early today the Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) announced Aqua Blue Sport’s inclusion in the two classics set to take place in April.

The 81st edition of Fleche Wallonne will take place on April 19th and the 103rd running of Liege Bastogne Liege will take place on April 23rd.

La Fleche Wallonne or the Walloon Arrow was first held in 1936 and is part of the Ardennes Classics. The 2017 route sees it traverse 200.5 kilometres across the hilly Belgian region of Walloon before finishing atop the iconic Mur de Huy.

Liege Bastogne Liege is one of cycling’s five monuments and is often seen as the last race in the spring classics segment of the season.

Known affectionately by the name La Doyenne, or The Old Lady, the race was first held in 1892.

Team owner and founder of Aqua Blue Sport Rick Delaney said that the team are humbled and honoured to be part of these great races for the 2017 season.

Rick said: “I want to thank the ASO for giving us this opportunity to take part in these events. All of us with Aqua Blue Sport, the riders and staff, are honoured and humbled that we would be considered by ASO to be invited to take part.

“This weekend we line out at Omloop Het Niuewsblad and we hope to bring our attacking style to this event.

"The season has only just begun for us and we are going to continue to give our fans plenty to cheer about in the coming months."