Bike Week 2019 will take place form Saturday 22nd to Sunday 30th June

Funding is available through the Department via Dublin City Council to run activities during the Week, this funding is only available for Dublin City Clubs only. If you are interested in hosting an activity (please see sample ideas below), please complete details on on the form linked here and return by Thursday 28th of February to  Please note, this only has to be a basic idea at this time which can be further developed before the event. 

Anyone receiving funding will need to return a short description of the event including number and breakdown of participants (male, female, adult, children) plus some photos after the event.  Funding will be paid on receipt of invoice.


Ideas for events:-

Week long cycle festival

Family fun cycle

Cycle challenge 5km, 10km, 20km … (Couch to 50k) – build up in weeks preceding BW

Cycle to Work (record previous weeks commute time & compare to this week, prize for most time saved/ stories/ pictures)

Cycle to School


Bike Repair Workshops / Basic bike repair demonstrations

Leisure cycling involving community groups (e.g scouts, youth clubs etc.)

Cycle for your breakfast/lunch/BBQ /picnic etc.

Colouring, ‘Bling your Bike’ and Bike related photography competitions.

Mystery/History/Scenic Tours of area (guided/self-guided) – Discover ‘Place’

Treasure Hunt

Bike orienteering

Women Only events

Group cycles:-  active retirement groups, nursing homes, work colleagues (lunchtime fitness) etc.

Close a street for a bike festival with Balance Bikes, Jenga, Bling your bike, Soccer etc. (involve traders)

Cycling skills course

Restaurant bike crawl

Mountain bike rides

Road rides

Tandem Bike events for the visually impaired etc.

Cycling events for children/adults with a physical/intellectual disability

Dawn Cycle – ‘Darkness into light’ type event

Bikes available to try, electric bikes, cargo bikes, tandem, folding, trailers, child carriers etc.

Donate unused/unwanted bike (local bike shop repairs, then donate to good cause such as local refugee centre)

Movie/documentary screening of cycling related content.


Other Considerations:-

Consider refreshments, bike related prizes/voucher, medal/trophy.

Consider entertainment: band/music, performers, face painters, carnival entertainers.

Consider stands: bike displays, maintenance, repair demo, cycling information.

Consider events showcasing new/existing infrastructure/facilities: greenways, cycle lanes, national parks, bike parking, public bike schemes.