Details re Boyne GP Sun March 11th

Venue Ryans Pub Gormanlough [5km from Slane on R163]We are currently trying to get an off road car park 1km from Sign on venue.We will advise.

Sign on opens 9am


1) No one day licences available

2) Riders must have their ull licence and numbers[pdf version on phone not accepted]

3) 110 max rider rule will apply in A4 race.If numbers exceed this we will split it and run 2 x separate races [Split prize fund with prizes in both]but thats a worst case scenario.

Four separate races as follows; Please read the start times carefully as the start times are staggered

10.30 A2 race 7 x laps 84k

10.33 A4 race 5 x laps 60k

1.00pm A1 race 8 x laps 96k

1.03pm A3 race 6 x laps 72k

Further info Contact Ger on 086 8192205