Sign on and HQ for the race is at Ryans Pub Gormalough on the R163 Kells Rd which
is approx 6km out from Slane.Sign on opens at 9.00am.All races on the usual 12km circuit.
Programme of events
10.30  A4 race  5 x laps 60km
10.33 Womens race [numbers depending] 4 x laps 48k
12.30 A+/A1/A2 race 8 x laps 96k
12.33 A3/Jun race 6 x laps 72k
This event whilst officially a Drogheda Wheelers event is put together by a collection of people from
various local clubs and has helpers from about 8 different clubs.Parking will be ONLY in the designated
field about 200 mtrs from the sign on venue
Sign on e15....Juniors e10
Further info from 086 8192205 after 5pm or