Calling All Potential Road Commissaires

2014 is drawing to a close and 2015 is fast approaching.  Once the holiday season is past us the reliability trials will be around the corner and the racing season at the forefront of the road cyclists mind.  The 2015 road season will be a busy one with more races than before, reflecting the popularity the sport is currently enjoying.

More races require more volunteers, and in February Cycling Ulster intend to host a course for trainee road Commissaires.  The course will be held over 2 days at the White River Hotel in Toome on the 7th & 8th Feb.

The role of a Commissaire is vital to the running of a safe and successful open race, and the current calendar of races is managed by a decreasing pool of volunteers who are committed to managing races to a standard.  To ensure we can maintain the level of support for our open races we are calling out for additional volunteers to step forward and begin their path of being road Commissaires in 2015.

So why become a cycling official?
- You want to put something back into the sport you love
- A rewarding job to see the best rider win
- Social side of meeting people with the same passion
- To be in the company of people who all want to enjoy themselves and a good atmosphere
- An enjoyment of being outdoors

Once anyone has been a member of a National Federation for a minimum of three years and has a good knowledge of Cycle Racing they can apply and aim to become a Commissaire and see the sport from a totally different aspect.

If you are interested in becoming a road Commissaire, would like to learn more about the role and are wishing to sign up to the course please contact Cycling Ulster’s Technical Officer, Aaron Wallace, at before January 25th.

Aaron Wallace, Cycling Ulster Technical Officer