Calling all Ring of Kerry Cyclists!


Infographic Natives are creating the first ever infographic of a cycling event in Ireland, designed using your data! they are hoping to collate, analyse and reveal patterns from hundreds of thousands of data points to produce a visualisation of the 2015 Ring of Kerry Cycle.

Kerry, July 4 2015—Infographic Natives, in association with the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle, is asking cyclists to submit their anonymous GPS data to transform them into one stunning data visualisation as a record of our combined efforts on the day and as a tool for future riders.


Thousands of us will be tracking the ride and examining our stats afterwards, so we want to see what story can be told when all the data is combined.

·           Whats the toughest mile on the route? Well, where do people slow down the most on average?

·           What percentage of people walk up Moll’s Gap?

·           How many times do you have to turn the pedals to get around the Ring?

·           And just for fun we can find out things like how many calories we burn as a group, how high we climb when you combine all our efforts and how many years spent in the saddle all together.


“Infographics aren’t just pretty pictures. Visualising data reveals trends hidden in vast amounts of information and makes them more accessible to a wider audience. With everyone’s participation this could become a really powerful storytelling tool for the future. While an individual GPS record might be interesting, it cannot convey the experience of 11,000 individuals slogging it out together on the day. This is definitely a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts”, said Aimée Stewart of Infographic Natives and 2015 Ring of Kerry cyclist.

The Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle, now in its 32nd year, is the biggest one day charity fundraising event in Munster. 11,000 leisure cyclists are registered to take on the 112-mile route around the spectacular Ring of Kerry, while fundraising for worthy Kerry-based charities.

Visit for further details or to submit your data, or tweet a link to your public profile to @AimoStewart using #ringstats. All records will be anonymised and no names will be published.

+447813123731 / +353860318669
