Has your club completed a Risk Assessment and Child Safeguarding statement? As part of the Children First legislation, all Cycling Ireland clubs with members under the age of 18 must complete a Risk Assessment and display their club’s Child Safeguarding Statement on their premises and web pages. Ask your Club Safeguarding Officer where your club’s Child Safeguarding Statement can be found.

Cycling Ireland has also carried out an organisational Risk Assessment, and our Child Safeguarding Statement can be found here; http://www.cyclingireland.ie/downloads/ci%20child%20safeguarding%20statement.pdf

Cycling Ireland is committed to promoting the welfare of all our young members. We want cycling to be a fun, safe and inclusive activity that embraces the value of each and every one of our wonderful young people!

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a young rider in your club, please contact Brigid O’Dea, our National Safeguarding Officer and Mandated person; safeguarding@cyclingireland.ie 0860447735.