Dear Members,


As we bring a very successful 2014 to a close I would like to say a Big Big Thanks to each and every one of you for your dedication and support and for the part you played in our success.


Whatever your contribution from membership contribution, club, provincial or commission activist, competition organiser/participant, volunteer helper or staff you are a vital cog in this great organisation.


Hopefully you have all had a chance to look at our new 5 year Strategic Plan “A Pathway to Cycling Success” it is available on our website or by clicking this link  STRATEGY


The strategy has identified 6 “Pillars” around which we will focus our efforts and resources over the next five years to help achieve our Vision that:-

“Cycling Ireland is the leading contributor of medals at World, Olympic and Paralympic levels whilst delivering sustained growth across all cycling disciplines and increased use of the Bike across society”


The six Pillars are, Sport Development, High Performance, Governance, Advocacy, Commercial and Leisure and a Board Member has been assigned to steer the implementation plan for each Pillar. (See Board Responsibilities on Website).  With over 23,000 current members I am sure that we have plenty of people with expertise or experience in these focus areas. So maybe people with marketing or P.R. expertise could advise on the Commercial Pillar, people with communications or lobbying experience could advise on the Advocacy Pillar etc.  So if you think you could assist and contribute at whatever level you can commit to please, please get in touch and let’s have a chat about it.  You can contact me directly at or mobile 086-1575765 or contact the Board Member responsible for the Pillar area you are interested in.  Small contributions by many can really spread the workload and help us reach our goal of Excellence.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you and your families a Very Happy Christmas and a Successful 2015.


It has been a bad year for cycling deaths on Irish Roads so please cycle safely and make sure that you can be seen.


Onward and Upwards


Denis Toomey, President Cycling Ireland