Conor Lavelle has stormed onto the Irish MTB scene, and at the young age of 16, he is making a mark on the International scene also. Read his story here: 

"My name is Conor Lavelle, I'm 16 years old and I live Co. Dublin, Ireland.


I started riding bikes when I was around 6 after a few years of riding through the trees outside my house my Dad brought me up to the my local trails in Wicklow. I still remember looking at the climbs and thinking ''Oh no I've to cycle up these.'' my involvement basically took off from there.


A year later I was lined up for my first Cross country race where I got smoked and ended up last. Even though I came last and I clearly wasn't very fast I still really enjoyed the idea of racing on different tracks all over Ireland. In 2010 I lined up again for my second race and managed to win. It was then my Dad saw potential and encouraged me to race a full cross country Nation Point series, with the support of my Mum, Dad and the Club MADMTB I raced cross country for three years and won two U14 Cross Country National Champs and two U14 Cross Country National series.  


My first downhill race was in 2011 in Carrick for the National Champs. To my surprise I came across the line in 2nd place in U14. It was then that my love for going down mountains began. I wanted to do more downhill but didn't like the idea of just one run down the hill counts. 


In 2012 Niall Davis started the Gravity Enduro series. The idea of 5 downhill stages in a day really appealed to me so I started following the series and giving Niall the odd hand in Taping or digging. It was only in the winter of 2012 when I really got to know Niall. I really wanted to race the enduros but financially it just wasn't possible with the expense of getting a bike, entries, travelling, etc. I emailed Niall a short C.V I had made and asked if he was interested in maybe having a rider at the Gravity Enduros. The following day I receive a message from Niall saying ''Hey, Can you give me a buzz my number is....'' after probably the most nervous phone call I've ever had, Niall had agreed to support me for my racing in 2013. I got my first new bike a day before Christmas and couldn't wait to get racing.


 It was from that moment that my career kicked off. In 2013 I raced my first ever Gravity Enduro. I managed to win National Champs and the series overall. 


Coming into 2014 I was really nervous knowing everyone had stepped up their training. It was going to be battles at every race. I raced the first two Irish rounds and managed to win the juniors. It was then onto Scotland where I spent every penny I had left to race. I came away with third place in Juniors at round 2 of the Enduro World Series.


 From the third place that I got in Scotland I knew that if I were to the rest of the European Enduro World Series race that I would secure an overall. For me I knew it wasn't possible to fund this trip so Thanks to Arrow- asset Management for their kind support in helping me to out to the bigger races. 


I came back from Europe with a 4th place at round 3 of the Enduro World Series. I managed to win a Super Enduro in Italy and Finished the trip off with an 7th place at the 4th round of the Enduro World Series.


I'm now back in Ireland looking forward to the remainder of the Gravity Enduro Ireland series followed by the Bluegrass event in Dublin then out to Finale Ligure for the Final round of the Enduro World Series.


It's been an amazing few years riding bikes and I know there are plenty more to come but I would like to say a Massive Thanks to firstly my parents who have constantly supported me and brought me to races. Also Niall Davis and Tarja Owens from as I know 100% without their support I would not be where I am today. It's amazing to think that two years ago I was riding around on  my hardtail racing the cross country National Point Series and now I'm racing against the best in the world. I hope that in the coming years that I will be racing the full Enduro World Series for a living. I love riding bikes and that's what I want to do with my life."