It was the final day of National Bike Week, and it didn’t disappoint. Last Sunday saw thousands of boys and girls of all ages navigate their way around St. Anne’s Park on two wheels, enjoying the many zones on offer at Cycling Ireland Bike Fest 2018.

For the sixth consecutive year Cycling Ireland’s annual family cycling family festival based itself in the Dublin City Park, celebrating everything cycling related as one of the flagship events of National Bike Week. Ardmhéara Míchéal Mac Donncha officially opened the event welcoming everyone to the park.

Bike Fest is as pure an example you will get of how important fun is in sport, with smiling faces and excited shrieks the order of the day.

The park turned into a showcase of the various lynchpins of Cycling Ireland and its disciplines – with BMX starting gates and ramps, mountain bike courses and bike racing.

The Sprocket Rocket and Balance Bike zones were buzzing all day!

And the Gearing Up zones and Spiral of Despair were a popular test of skills!

RSA attended with their simulation truck and Cycle Right was there with the popular traffic school.

Savage Skills with their amazing stunt crew.

Then there was the family cycle led by Clontarf Cycling Club.

Far and Wild took charge of the Gearing Up Off-Road zone, and brought with them their accessible mountain bikes including the adaptive quad. 

Cloughmor Extreme stole the show with a fantastic pop up mountain bike course challenging the skilled cyclists throughout the day. 

And of course no festival is complete without cute dogs.... 

Check out this video for a glance into what was a wonderful day for biking in Ireland.

Thank you to all our coaches, instructors, stall holders, marshals, and basically everyone who made this possible. Without you, these events can never take place. 


Check out all the photos here: