Please read on for a step by step guide to renewing your membership with Cycling Ireland for 2014

1: Click the log in button in the top right hand corner of the website ( This will take you to a new screen, which is the log in screen for the new membership portal.

2: Click on the link saying 'For 1st time access click here to retrieve your Password!'

3: This will take you to a page where you will need to enter your email address - this email address MUST be the one that you used for 2013 Cycling Ireland membership.

4: Once you press 'Request password' a temporary password and activation link will be sent to your email address. Click on this activation link and enter your temporary password. 

5: You can then enter a password of your choice and submit this information. 

6: Once you have done this, you will be able to log in using your email address and the password you created and renew your membership or join Cycling Ireland. You will be able to select your license type now. Have a look at the types of license available here. Please ensure that you press the submit button after you have agreed to the terms and conditions of membership. If submit isn't pressed, your application won't be submitted to CI.

7: Once you have submitted your application, it will go to be approved. Your membership will need to be approved before you can pay. If you are a new member (club and un-attached) or a renewing un-attached member, Cycling Ireland will approve your membership. If you are a renewing club member, or a new club member (once CI have approved your membership) the club will approve your membership.

8: Once you have been approved, you can log back into the system and go to the checkout, where you can pay for your membership.

We ask that members do not submit duplicate profiles, as they will be rejected. This means that if you already have a profile with CI/have been a previous member, you need to log in instead of joining/creating a new profile. Thanks!

Click here to log into the new membership portal: