The 2015 Cycling Ireland Off-road Commission Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 23 January 2016. 

Venue: Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Dublin

Positions on the Commission: 

The commission is currently made up with the following positions
  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • DH Co-ordinator
  • XC Co-ordinator
  • CX Co-ordinator
  • Enduro Rep
  • Youth Development Co-ordinator

The current list of volunteers on the commission is shown HERE

Apart from the chair, all other posts are up for nomination. 


All nominations must be from a current Cycling Ireland member aged 18 or over. The nomination should read

“I, <your full name>, Licence number <your licence number>, would like to nominate<full name of candidate> for the position of <position>.”

Note: The candidate must be award of the nomination.


Motions for change must be sent to the commission secretary ( by close of play on Sunday 17 January 2016. The motions must be put forward by a Cycling Ireland member and must begin with the line

“I, <your full name>, Licence number <your licence number> would like to put forward the following motion…”.

The person who puts forward the motion MUST attend the AGM or their motion will not be heard.

Who can attend?

All members of Cycling Ireland clubs can attend however only nominated delegates from the clubs are entitled to vote (see note below). All attendees must sign in with their name, club, and licence number (either 2015 or 2016). The meeting will be chaired by the chair person, Martin Grimley.


The number of votes that each club has will be based on the 2015 list (see links below). If a club has e.g. 4 votes then that would mean up to 4 delegates could come along to the AGM to cast their vote for a given issue (one vote per person). If a club has been allocated e.g. 4 votes but only one delegate turns up then he/she can only provide a single vote in favour or against a particular motion.

Connacht Clubs

Schedule of the day

Time Item
12:00 Welcome
12:15 Approval of the minutes from the last AGM
12:30 Downhill report
12:45 Cross-country report
13:00 Cyclo-cross report
13:15 Report of accounts for 2015
13:45 Motions
14:15 Review of events in the year ahead
14:30 Commission elections
14:45 Development pathway – review
15:00 AOB


Louis Fitzgerald Hotel



If you have any questions about the upcoming AGM please email