In order to raise awareness for the obstacles that people with disabilities face on the footpath, Dublin City Council released a hoax statement via Dublin City Lord Mayor Brendan Carr, suggesting we should vote on whether people with disabilities should use cycle lanes or not. 

While this was a hoax statement to garner attention for the difficulties people with disabilities face when navigating footpaths, we believe that there is a serious conversation that needs to take place regarding the surfacing of cycle lanes. We also would like to point out that many of our Cycling Ireland members cycle with disabilities, and as with any strand of our community, it is important to not presume that everyone has the same needs.

Here is our response statement: 

"Cycling Ireland is aware of the statement from Dublin Lord Mayor Brendan Carr regarding the use of cycle lanes for people with disabilities. While we welcome any developments that offer greater inclusion and better freedom of movement for all citizens of Dublin, we would be more welcoming of measures being introduced to improve the conditions of the cycle lanes that exist, to make them more user-friendly.

"There are a number of new cycle paths in the city which are of good standard, but in many places around the city and the country the cycle lanes are not fit for purpose, the surface is eroding, the markings are not clear and debris and glass cover them. More thought and focus needs to be placed into the design and upkeep of the cycle lanes to make them compatible with cyclists, and anybody who is deemed entitled to use them.

"Once this is addressed we would welcome discussions around the most appropriate use of cycle lanes, with a view to differentiating between the various modes of transport that are used by people, including those with disabilities, and allowing access for all to the most appropriate space for their personal journey."