Cycling Ireland want to take this opportunity to remind all of its members of the priority our sport gives to the safeguarding of its members. The organisation works hard to ensure that cycling is a fun, safe and inclusive sport which places the welfare of young riders as paramount.

Cycling Ireland has a designated National Safeguarding Officer, Brigid O’Dea, who you can speak to if you are concerned about anything. The National Safeguarding Officer ensures that best practice is followed in cycling in order to reduce any risk of harm to our members.

We remind our members that
Cycling Ireland Code of Practice and Safeguarding Procedures for Young and Vulnerable Cyclists is available on our website to guide members through best practice in cycling. This document also contains a Code of Conduct, specific for Coaches, Parents and Young Riders. Please take the time to read and discuss these codes within your club. From 2017 onwards, signing up to Cycling Ireland’s updated Code of Conduct will become an essential step for all members in the CI membership registration process.

Cycling Ireland complies with legislation that requires all coaches and adults in a supervisory role of youths to complete the Garda Vetting or AccessNI process. In addition, we encourage our members to attend safeguarding training. Any club with youth membership must appoint a Child Protection Officer whose role is to ensure that the voice of young riders is heard within the club and that their safety and well-being is upheld at all times. You can speak to your club Child Protection Officer if you have any concerns within your club environment.

Cycling Ireland’s National Safeguarding Officer is available at


Ph: 086 0447735

Remember, keeping young and vulnerable people safe is all of our responsibility. Please play your role in protecting and in promoting safety and well-being in cycling.