Cycling Ireland welcomes funding increase



Sport Ireland announced a significant €36 million investment package for National Governing Bodies of Sport, High-Performance sport and Local Sports Partnerships for 2020.


Cycling's standing as a priority sport within the National Sports Policy, along with Cycling Ireland’s commitment to robust governance and development of the sport at all levels, has been recognised with a substantial increase in core funding.


Core funding, which supports participation and the implementation of Cycling Ireland’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, increased by 20% from €350,000 in 2019 to €420,000 in 2020. 


Sport Ireland funding of the Cycling Ireland High-Performance programme remains unchanged at €440,000, however, more cyclists than ever before have achieved results eligible for carding support.


13 members of Cycling Ireland’s Olympic Programme will receive direct athlete support along with a further 13 members of Cycling Ireland’s Paralympic Programme. The total level of carding to be shared by riders is €414,000 up from €268,000 in 2019. 


Chief Executive, Matt McKerrow welcomed the announcement:


“We’re delighted with the increased investment from Sport Ireland and recognition of Cycling Ireland as a key NGB in the delivery of their outcomes within the National Sports Policy. The timing is great and will ensure there is greater resource behind the activities of our forthcoming 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and our vision of Ireland, an island enhanced by cycling.”


“The confidence that has brought the increased investment is also a strong recognition of the achievements to date of all the cycling community; athletes, coaches, members, volunteers, Board and staff. In launching the investment Minister Ross was also quick to highlight the plans for future development of the Sport Ireland Campus which will include a velodrome and will be a further boon for cycling in Ireland. We’d like to thank Ministers Ross and Griffin, and all at Sport Ireland for their ongoing support and funding”.



Core Funding: €420,000

High Performance Funding: €440,000

Direct Athlete Carding: €414,000 | 26 athletes


Further Information

Sport Ireland Investment Announcement HERE

2020 International Carding Scheme HERE