Here in Cycling Ireland we are always looking for new and improved ways to communicate to our members, and to our members-to-be! 


First and foremost, we have our website. 

Here is where you will find all the documents, news stories, events and details for everything you need. We know that sometimes the website can be full and confusing, so if you are having difficulty locating a section, first of all put in a search in the search bar, and if you still can't find it, just let us know in the contact us section. 

Everything we do goes up on the website. 


We would love for you to connect with us on all our social media accounts! Click below for the links: 


Facebook has regular updates on what is going on in Cycling Ireland as an organisation. Click on the above image to find it online. Here is where you will find updates from the organisation, cycle safety tips, and high performance news. 

We also have Facebook pages for our COACH AND EDUCATION department, SPROCKET ROCKET Programme and our BIKE FOR LIFE Programme. 


Twitter is where we engage regularly with announcements, high performance results and news, and other information from the organisation. If you want to follow us, our twitter handle is @irecyclingfed


When we are at events, we post pictures here on our instagram page. You can follow us at cyclingirelandfed 


Our youtube account has footage from events we go to. Over the next while we will be adding more varied videos here. Subscribe to our Cycling Ireland YouTube Channel


Link in with us on our company profile here Cycling Ireland Company Profile



Our direct communication to you, our member, is usually done through our newsletters. Once you are a member of Cycling Ireland you automatically get this newsletter. At the end of every month we plan on sending a newletter called WHAT'S HAPPENING. This is our monthly review of what is happening in the organisation. Here we list some of the main things that Cycling Ireland as an organisation have been working on, and it gives a cross section of what is happening across all the departments - Admin, Coaching, High Performance and Board. 


Once every two months, in the middle of the month you will get the BRAKING NEWS newsletter. This is a more lighthearted ezine, which includes features, interviews and offers. If you have anything that you would like to feature in this newsletter, or have any suggestions for content feel free to contact us HERE


This newsletter goes out to our qualified coaches. Once you complete any of our coaching courses you are added to the coaches database, and you will receive a range of news and updates by newsletter.