As a result of the recent Cycling Ulster EGM the following members have been elected to the Ulster Executive.

PositionName Duration Email Tel 
Chairman Maurice McAllister 3 YearsMaurice1958@gmail.com07707088396
SecretaryAnthony Mitchell 3 Years 07843561084
TreasurerOliver Hunter3 Years 07742118970
Lead Safeguarding OfficerLisa Miller2 Years 07734058715
Executive OfficerAaron Wallace1 Yearaarwallace@gmail.com07713147968
Executive OfficerAndrew Duncan 1 Year ajduncan@ntlworld.com07713626617
Executive OfficerMartin Grimley1 YearMartin.ulstercx@gmail.com07899913865
Executive OfficerPeter McBride1 YearMcbride499@gmail.com00353872893607