Dublin Cycling Campaign and the cycling community are getting together to respond to the extreme lack of funding allocated for cycling projects and promotion - by organising a giant cycling protest planned for Monday 3rd October at 5.30pm, meeting at Merrion Square West, Dublin. The event has been prompted in particular by the recent tragic death of a young female cyclist in Dublin. Her death, involving a truck, might have been avoided if proper cycle facilities had been in place.

We also need
improved driver training in relation to awareness of cyclists on the road.

Altogether 9 cyclists have lost their lives on Irish roads this year, including 2 young schoolchildren since the start of the school year.

Enough is Enough. Cyclists demand proper funding for cycling as a transport mode, to make it a safe and normal everyday activity for people of all ages and abilities to cycle to school, college, work and other destinations and to cycle for leisure.

Promoting and investing in cycling makes sense for society from a variety of different perspectives:

· Cycling is an active travel mode leading to better health. More people cycling will lead to savings in future health budgets

· Cycling investment makes economic senses it gives the highest rate of return of all transport projects

· Cycling makes social sense as it encourages people to get out and interact with each other in an active way

· Cycling helps to reduce congestion in our cities

· Cycling is a hugely energy efficient transport mode that can support our climate change targets

· Cycling growth means growth in jobs in the economy

· Cycling-friendly cities attract more foreign direct investment. A good quality of life is important to modern graduates.

· Cycling friendly cities are good for tourism growth

Colm Ryder, Chairperson of Cyclist.ie the Irish Cyclists' Advocacy Network, says 'Its time that cyclists' voices were listened to and acted upon! We need to make Ireland safe for cyclists of all ages and abilities. We need to unlock the true potential that cycling investment can provide for this country'.

We need your support on Monday 3rd October next. Check out our website and event pages at:

