On Thursday 23rd January 2020, Dropbox will formally launch its initiative to support everyday cycling in Ireland at an event in its European Headquarters in Hatch Street in Dublin. Dropbox has agreed to support the work of the Dublin Cycling Campaign and to help it develop as a stronger cycling advocacy force.

Dropbox is the first company in Ireland to formally support the work of Dublin Cycling Campaign as Business Members. This follows its pioneering support for other progressive causes over the years such as the Marriage Equality and Pride campaigns.

Amongst the speakers at the special invitation-only event on 23rd of January in the company’s Dublin headquarters will be Klaus Bondam, CEO of the Danish Cyclists’ Federation, Dr. Sabina Brennan, Neuroscientist and Active Travel Advocate from Trinity College Dublin, Dr. Damien Ó Tuama, National Cycling Coordinator with Cyclist.ie - the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, and Paulo Rodriguez, Director of Solutions EMEA. Invitees will include senior executives from many of the country’s largest tech and finance firms, together with figures from the transport world.

Dropbox’s employee led initiative responds to the urgent need to develop Dublin and other Irish cities as bicycle friendly and Active Travel cities. Compared to other places where large tech companies are based - such as Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm and Amsterdam - Dublin and other Irish cities need to recognise the necessity to become properly bike and family friendly. This means ensuring greater investment in high quality segregated cycling infrastructure, making the most hostile junctions cycle friendly and lessening car domination of our streets, to encourage all ages, genders and ethnicities to be ‘active travellers’.

Speaking before the event, Dr. Damien Ó Tuama from Cyclist.ie, stated:

“We are really delighted with Dropbox’s support for cycling advocacy. A recent internal employee survey found 85% of Dropbox employees, bike, walk or take public transport. Our advocacy work is continually pushing cycling up the political agenda. Our recent detailed budget submissions and presentations to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport succeeded in further raising awareness around the need to bring cycling into the core of transport thinking and practice. We now want this translated into higher levels of national investment, and quality schemes on the ground so our communities are cycle friendly for everyone aged 8 to 80. The support of Dropbox - and other progressive thinking companies - will enable us to transition into a much stronger advocacy force and accelerate this necessary transition.”

Speaking on behalf of Dropbox, Paulo Rodriguez, Director of Solutions EMEA added the following:

“We understand the importance of making cities and towns bicycle friendly, and are delighted to partner with Dublin Cycling Campaign. They are advocating to make cycling a safe aspect of everyday life. We have been very impressed with their unceasing work to effect change at national, local and community levels.”