Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

A jammed-packed February Newsletter delivered to your inbox! If you live in South Dublin, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown or Kildare, there are a few consultations coming up, read below and get in touch if you like to take part of the submission process.

We will be soon asking for members who would like to be involved and take part in the St. Patrick's parade so stay tuned for updates on it and remember that you can easily join the campaign here.

And if you want to shake the winter blues and hear about great cycling adventures, come and join us on our next public meeting! Our guest speakers will be Ciaran Hussey and Laura McMorrow who will tell us about their four-and-a-half cycling trip going across twelve countries starting in Mongolia. Hope to see you there and...

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

Tempted to Cycle Across Mongolia? Then Don't Miss our Fab Feb Meeting!

For our February public meeting, we are delighted to have Ciaran Hussey and Laura McMorrow who will be telling us about their recent cycling adventures through Mongolia!

We look forward to welcoming adventurers and cyclists of all hues to this meeting on Monday 8th February at 8pm in the Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. We expect a big crowd on the night, so do please arrive early if you want to get a seat!

Add years to our lives and
life to our years.

In a recent episode of Eco Eye, Dr Lara Dungan looks at some of the issues and concerns that affect health and lifespan, including how and where people live, travel and work.

Professor Donal O'Shea suggests walking and cycling to school and using active travel to work has a major role to play in tackling obesity. Taking these health threats seriously at policy level and implementing measures in our urban areas is long overdue.

South Dublin Update

South Dublin County Council is conducting a 'Part 8' public consultation on the proposed construction of a Cycle and Walking Scheme and Enhancement of the Streetscape along Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 and Dublin 16. It includes lots of welcome improvements, but it’s not perfect.

If you know the area, have a look at the plans and documents online by clicking here or pop into the Libraries in Tallaght, Ballyroan or Whitechurch where hard copies of the plans are on display. If you have any views send them into the council before 11th February or drop an email to Mairéad Forsythe at

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Improvement Scheme

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is proposing improvements to the Blackglen Road / Harold’s Grange Road including cycle tracks. The improvements are very welcome on what is a dangerous route for cyclists but again the plans are far from perfect.

Public viewing at the council offices ended on 29th January, but the plans and documents are online here. The deadline for this one is 12th February. Clare Sullivan is co-ordinating the submission on behalf of the Cycling Campaign. She can be contacted at:

Consultation for Greenway in Kildare

Kildare County Council is developing the Royal Canal Greenway from Maynooth to the Dublin County Boundary. This will form part of the Eurovelo 2 cycle route from Galway to Moscow. Details here and drawings here.

The deadline for the public consultation is 17th February. Why not check it out and add your voice to the consultation process!

Christmas Biking!

Christmas has been and gone! And this article is not about the best cycles you might have done over the Christmas period, now a distant memory no doubt! It is rather, how as an individual, probably due to my involvement in Dublin Cycling Campaign, I was bombarded with cycling related books and presents over the Christmas Season, to take me through 2016!

Am I complaining? I think not....but I am wary of being labelled a 'one-issue' or one-dimensional person! I am not on two wheels at all times, and have been known to strut my stuff, or sing the odd song, or take part in political demonstrations, or even kick a football every now and then! I am not just a cyclist! Of course I may be stating the obvious, in that this applies to all of us, and is an argument we frequently use in relation to making transport choices. We are by our nature multi faceted. Let's celebrate that fact!

And, despite the fear of being labelled as a one-issue man....I am enjoying dipping into my bicycle book presents, which run from a book of bike poetry (Ten Poems about Bicycles), through an old bike touring book on Ireland from 1985 (By Bicycle in Ireland), through a teenage bike adventure / thriller (Bike Hunt) to a very beautiful handmade - on Achill Island - homage to bikes (Bicyclettes).

Could this be the beginnings of a rich seam that we might explore as part of our regular newsletter? Anyone else out there had similar experiences? Why not share them. Continuing HAPPY NEW YEAR and Safe and Happy Cycling!

Cyclists Set out their Demands ahead of General Election 2016!

With the general election just around the corner, cyclists have set out their political demands! Our vision is for everyday cycling to be normal part of life for all ages and abilities (the ‘8 to 80’ cohort as it is sometimes called) – very similar to the ways it is in many northern European countries. Remember also that #COP21 is a game changer – we need radical reductions in CO2 emissions from the Irish transport sector!

We want all political parties to commit to these two overarching aims: allocate at least 10% of transport funding to cycling and implement in full the National Cycle Policy Framework (NCPF, 2009)

You can read the full list of proposals here. Please tell your election candidates that this is important and spread the word on social media!

It's Official! Bicycles are the Future of Transport!

The theme of the 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin is “Imagine If” and it’s all about the future. What type of future can we expect and, crucially, what type of future do we want to create for future generations?

It makes complete sense then that Dublin Cycling Campaign has been invited back into the parade (for a 7th year in succession) because we all know that bicycles will be at the heart of everyday mobility both in the near and far futures!

If you would like to be involved in the parade, click here for the full article and stay tuned for updates!

VeloCity Global, Taipei

Dublin Cycling Campaign, in conjunction with, are sending a delegate to VéloCity Global conference in Taipei, Taiwan in late February. The conference is organised by the European Cycling Federation of which the Campaign is a member. It was held in Nantes last year and the Campaign brought back lots of useful information & inspiration.

In Taipei, we’ll be catching up with our campaigning colleagues from round the world, both in ECF countries and in rapidly-developing Asian cities. We’ll also be learning about the massive bike-manufacturing industry in Taiwan, and hopefully picking up a few bright new ideas to help make Dublin more bike-friendly an liveable in future. Look out for a report from the conference at the Campaign meeting in April or May.

Two EuroVelo Routes Receive Upgrades

Good news for those who want to cycle the length of Europe! The pan-European bike network is set for upgrades in two locations.

One of them is a project that includes the improvement of the signage system, the installation of 20 interactive information points and the integration of the various related cycle routes along the EuroVelo 15, the Rhine Cycle Route going through Germany. (Full article here)

And the other project will include the realisation of the EuroVelo 5, which will link the cities of Luxembourg and Schengen. This national cycle route of Luxembourg will be finalised in 2018 and will extend its total network from 613 km today to 1,400 km connecting urban hubs and developing tourist routes. (Full article here)

Join Us! Become a Member – or Even Better an Active Member!

The Dublin Cycling Campaign is a completely voluntary group working on behalf of all cyclists in Dublin. The more members we have, the quicker we can transform the city and culture for the better. Join today! As a member you will receive a Cycling Rewards Card that gives you discounts at over 40 cyclist friendly businesses.

Active Members

We have an email list where we occasionally send out requests for help with specific jobs or events. If you would like to be added to the list please email us at and you might let us know if you have a particular skill that might be useful. Being on the list is not an obligation to do work, but you might see something you would like to help out with.