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Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

Hope this email finds you well (despite some disturbing internationall news out there), fighting those winter bugs and still in the saddle! We have a few important events coming up next week. Our next monthly meeting on Mon 14th November will be a World Café format, it is a great opportunity to have a more active role in the future actions of the campaign and, as a result, the future of cycling in Dublin!

Cycling will be an important part of the future, with climate change affecting every city and the whole world. Stop Climate Chaos will be hosting a Mass Lobby day on Tuesday 15th November running all day in Buswells Hotel. Come along and invite your local TD to come along as well!

An because life is not worth it if we are not also up for a bit of craic, we want to give you plenty of notice, mark it on your calendars, on Sat 10 December we are teaming up with the lovely community of Phibsborough and their Phizzfest and having a massive Xmas Party!!! All info below and more surprises to come. Stay tuned and...

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

Fancy a date with your TD? How about the 15th Nov? along with their friends in Stop Climate Chaos are hosting a mass lobby day of TDs very soon.
You can send an email invitation to your local TDs asking them to meet you in Buswells Hotel on Tuesday 15th November here
Transport will be one of the main themes for the day as it contributes massively to Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions.
Click here for the full article and helps us spread the word!

Imagine College Green Workshop - 16th Nov

Dublin City Council in association with the National Transport Authority and assisted by ‘Happenings’ will be hosting a public workshop regarding the design of a Civic Plaza at College Green.

The aim is to convene a public forum where citizens, interested parties, focus groups and designers can identify and discuss the challenges and opportunities at College Green. The discussions will inform the brief for the designers to be appointed for College Green.

It is important that cyclists are well represented at the meeting, so if you can make it on the 16th of Nov (from 6pm to 9.30pm), register for the workshop here.

Sandymount to Blackrock Corridor Consultation

The NTA (National Transport Authority) has published a consultation on reconfiguring Sandymount, Merrion Gates, Blackrock and Seapoint. The Dublin Cycling Campaign will be making a submission on this before the deadline of 16th December.

We are happy to see a significant proposal for a big improvement not just for cycling, but for walking, public transport and driving. We are actively looking for your comments and feedback to add to our submission on this public consultation.

You can send us your thoughts both publicly and privately on Facebook, Twitter and email using You may also wish to post out loud on Twitter using #cyclingblackrock to facilitate open discussion.

Please also send your observations directly to the NTA as part of the public consultation and consider the perspectives of using other modes of transport in your submission.

You can see the official documentation on the NTA website here.


Mairead Forsythe reports for Dublin Cycling Campaign

“Ciclovia” started in Bogota, Colombia, spread to other parts of South America and is spreading across the globe. It arrived in the island of Ireland last year and Belfast held its second Ciclovia on Sunday 30th October this year.

I headed North for the weekend to see what it was all about. A Ciclovia means that some streets in a city are closed to motor traffic for a few hours so that people can move about freely on their bicycles.

We all gathered in the lovely Botanic Gardens and headed for the City Hall a mile away, led by the Lord Mayor and the Minster for Transport, and then spent the morning drifting between both locations on our bicycles.

There was a great atmosphere and loads of cyclists of all ages and types; toddlers who could barely walk were flying along on their balance bikes; young aspirant members of cycling clubs were trying out their fancy new racing bikes; a group of women from West Belfast were showing off tricycles which help the disabled and the less confident get on their bicycles; there were cargo bikes, Dutch bikes; vintage bikes; unicycles, fancy dress but, most of all, ordinary people on ordinary bikes out enjoying themselves, including lots of family groups.
There was a carnival atmosphere with fun activities, musical groups performing, lots of street cafés, a lorry demo, etc. Click here if you want to know more about it.

Join the VeloRution! - Come to our World Café Event Mon 14th Nov @7.30pm

Cycling needs a stronger voice generally, and we need to make sure we are representing YOUR VOICE when we plan for the upcoming year.

This month on our Public Meeting, through a process known as ‘World Café’ style, we will explore our activities and priorities for the months ahead and you can be part of it.

There will be 4 tables/groups on the night and you can get to participate in each group. The topics at each table will be along the lines of the following:

  • Planning Events for 2017.
  • Follow-up Cycle Protests
  • National level lobbying on cycling
  • Dublin Cycling Campaign membership.

It’s a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with other cyclists. Why not join us on the night!?

Mark the Date: Sat 10th Dec, Bicycle Christmas Party!

The Bicycle Christmas Party is back! We are thrilled to team up with the fantabulous Goldsprints DJs and Bicycle Roller Racing gang for a Saturday night extravaganza! It will all take place on the 10th of December in the gorgeous Back Page pub on Phibsborough Road. The party will be run in association with Phizzfest, the vibrant community arts festival from Phibsborough.

The Commute Rush Hour Ride turned Extreme Sport?

By Jennifer Murray

Dublin has changed a lot from how I remember it 3 years ago. Upon my return from travelling, town is heaving, roads are busier and the cyclist population has sky rocketed. Since the introduction of the “Cycle to Work” scheme, commuters everywhere are opting for cleaner, faster travel and Dublin is struggling to keep up.

Rush-hour exists in cycle lanes, too (particularly closing in on 9:00am around the city). We all know that the roads are restrictive in many senses; sharing space with buses and dodging cars are daily issues. The situation is beyond intimidating for novice cyclists and a struggle, for those who are more experienced. As a community, we are not only vulnerable to other traffic, but also to each other. Basic rules of the road such as “stay left unless over-taking”, signalling before a turn and stopping at red lights are too often ignored.

So…why do it? Though much frustration (and sometimes fear), I love cycling. I enjoy meeting fellow cyclists and sharing experiences. I enjoy beating the traffic and my own personal records. But most of all, I enjoy the freedom that cycling gives me.

- So cyclists, spare a thought for the novice cyclists out there and give them some wobble room!

Campaign supports 30 km/h proposals in South Dublin

We are delighted to see that South Dublin County Council has proposed a 30 km/h speed limit in most residential estates in its latest review of speed limits.
There is overwhelming evidence that lower speeds make streets safer and quieter and encourage walking and cycling. We have made a submission that supports the 30 km/h limit in residential estates, and that suggests other roads where speed limits should be lowered.

Join Us! Become a Member – or Even Better an Active Member!

The Dublin Cycling Campaign is a completely voluntary group working on behalf of all cyclists in Dublin. The more members we have, the quicker we can transform the city and culture for the better. Join today! As a member you will receive a Cycling Rewards Card that gives you discounts at over 40 cyclist friendly businesses.

Active Members

We have an email list where we occasionally send out requests for help with specific jobs or events. If you would like to be added to the list please email us at and you might let us know if you have a particular skill that might be useful. Being on the list is not an obligation to do work, but you might see something you would like to help out with.

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