Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

While we all may look in amazement at Trump’s attitude to climate change, this week in Ireland we have been treated to two equally out-of-touch oratories from our politicians and business leaders. We feel there is little point in responding to such levels of ignorance. Instead we will just reiterate our message that the promotion of cycling in Dublin is essential to its sustainable growth.

If you support a healthier, safer, environmentally-friendlier, more tourist-friendly and, as a result, happier Dublin, you can get involved in the Campaign and be part of the change! If you don't have time for it, you can still support us by becoming a member!

And if you (also) want to know what the future hold for walking and cycling in Dublin, then come to our next Public Meeting next Monday 9th of May at the Central Hotel on Exchequer St. It starts at 8pm and we will have Sarah Scannell, Dublin City Council’s new ​Cycling & Walking Promotion Officer, who will talk about her role and her key targets for 2016 and into the future.

Find below South Dublin News, the College Green Area Proposal, Bike2Bus in Lucan Initiative, Greenway in Waterford, European Challenge update and more!

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

Ballyroan Schools Project

In 2014 and 2015 South Dublin County Council conducted a project in liaison with a number of schools at Ballyroan in the Rathfarnham area, and with An Taisce ‘Green Schools’ and the NTA Green Schools Co-ordinator. The aims of the project were to:
• Achieve modal shift to sustainable modes of transport;
• Make walking and cycling to school a desirable and realistic option;
• Maximise connectivity between school population and the school cluster;
• Improve safety for all users, both walking and cycling and indirectly improve safety for car users.

The Council now proposes a walking and cycling scheme to improve access to these schools. Further details area available on the council website here.

Dublin Cycling Campaign will be making a submission as part of the public consultation on this project. If you are familiar with the area, or attended one of these schools, please have a look at the plans and send your views to the Campaign ( or contact the Council yourself and tell them what you think.

Cycling Green Shoots in the Southeast

Last month we posted on the initiatives being taken by Waterford City & County Council to promote the use of the new greenway locally, a relatively unique initiative in the context of Irish rural cycle route development. Well, just last week we got to see the progress of the works at first hand, with the help of project engineer Ray Mannix.

The projected opening date is 1st August, and it will be an event that certainly will be attended by many cycling enthusiasts to view this multi-faceted greenway route, based on the old railway line. Over its 45 km length, between Dungarvan and Waterford, it has probably the most varied scenery of any off-road cycle route in Ireland, from spectacular river scenes, to varied farmland, to mountain vistas and coastal views. It also has a variety of railway heritage features, including spectacular viaducts and some old railway stations, and railway houses. In many areas, bridge works and underpasses are being constructed, to accommodate a green route ... and to cap it all, part of the route has an active tourist railway over a distance of 9 km from Waterford city to Kilmeaden!

But Waterford County is also actively promoting active travel in its major towns! Waterford City has a new city centre plan, which promotes greater cycling and walking, and is working on cycling links to the main WIT campus. Further active travel promotion plans are being put in place to increase walking and cycling, particularly for schools. And Dungarvan, which was a Smarter Travel town, is at present getting a face-lift on its main square, and has increased its percentage of 'active travellers'.

Get ready to hit the South East sometime soon, and let's wish Waterford a happy cycling future! joins Stop Climate Chaos alliance

Following ratification at the recent Council meeting, has joined Stop Climate Chaos (SCC). This is "a coalition of civil society organisations campaigning to ensure Ireland plays its part in preventing runaway climate change."
We believe that representation at regular SCC meetings and cooperation with other like-minded groups lobbying for climate action, will strengthen and complement’s existing advocacy streams of transport and health.
Full story here.

European Cycle Challenge leadership update

Dublin team, we are doing OK! 4 days in to the European cycle challenge, there are currently 728 of us registered in Dublin. We have cycled 5,000 km within the county boundaries of Dublin! That’s equivalent to 4 km per 1,000 inhabitants. You can check out more leader board statistics, including how your organisation is doing by clicking here. We're ranked 15th overall in this competition.

Please don’t forget to log your trips! Out of 52 signed up cities; we are ranked 14 in terms of number of participants, and 15 in terms of number of kilometres cycled. You can log your trip manually or using the App. If you are unsure of how to upload your cycle trips, click here for help.

If you are on a company or other sub-team, please check that you are there! As much as your Dublin team needs you, your company’s team (if your company is signed up) needs you too. If you are not appearing in your workplace team / other sub-team, it is easy to join back in: On the website, go to user area, and click on the 'My Challenges' tab on the web or on the Cycling365 app: log in, click on the cup (third tab in) and then click on edit, make your sub-team choice, which will show up by being highlighted in a lighter blue.

college green

College Green Proposals

Dublin City Council have outlined proposals for a major public space at College Green in the city centre. This proposal is a critical element within overall proposals to make Dublin city centre a more people-friendly area, and to help improve public transport movement and cycling provision. Dublin City Council are inviting submissions on the proposals before 24th May next and we encourage all our readers to make their voices heard on this major civic development.

Dublin Cycling Campaign is very much in favour of the proposals as generally set out, and the difference it can help to make to navigating Dublin City Centre. We would urge you to support our position as outlined below, and make a submission by email at
1 We fully support the plans for the proposed College Green Plaza, as they are critical for the long term development of a cycling friendly, pedestrian friendly, and public transport-friendly city centre.
2 We look forward to full cycling provision being developed both on the new plaza, and in surrounding areas. This includes adequate bike parking, and access to Trinity College and to and from lower Grafton Street and Nassau Street, as well as plans for Dame Street and Westmoreland Street.
3 We reserve the right to comment on the final detailed plans, and look forward to full consultation during the detailed design process

Appreciate the Work We Do?

We receive a steady stream of emails and Facebook messages commending our work – very often sent by people who’ve been in bicycle crashes and to whom we’ve given free advice on how to engage with the Garda, local authorities, etc. Many others thank us, but often apologise for not having the spare time to help us on our various campaigns.

No need to apologise, but we would REALLY APPRECIATE IT if you join the Campaign (just €20/year or €10 unwaged) or make a donation. Remember, the Campaign is almost entirely funded by our members – and this gives us a strong independent voice to advocate on your behalf.

If you appreciate our work, please join and ask one cycling friend to do likewise. This is the best way to help ensure that Dublin becomes less car dominated and more bicycle friendly. Thank you.

Bike2Bus in Lucan

If you live in the Lucan area, then the fastest way to get from there to Dublin City is by bus. Dublin Bus run Expresso Buses (X) from near Woodies DIY (bus stop 2234) that rarely stop on their way to Dublin’s O’Connell Bridge and UCD. Bus routes are 25, 25A, 25B, 66, and 67 with a very high frequency.

Recognising this fact, South Dublin County Council have recently installed Bike Lockers close to this bus stop. This will allow cyclists to ride through the traffic around the greater Lucan area, put their bike in a bike locker and take the express bus to the city.

Using your bike to link up with Dublin Bus near Woodies will save you time every morning and evening. No more traffic jams hindering your commute. And the bike locker will house your helmet and wet gear, as well as your bike.

If you are interested in renting these lockers, contact or call 087 644 2322 to get full details.

“Nothing Compares to the Simple Pleasure of Riding a Bike”

And cycling is for everybody, every day. These were the messages at Central Library on Wednesday April 27th at the opening of the exhibition on “everyday” cycling. Dr Mike McKillen, outgoing chairman of The Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, opened the exhibition of 50 images of bikes and people cycling and outlined the campaigns to make cycling to work & study easier and safer for everyone. 'Free the Cycle Lanes' and 'Stayin Alive at 1.5' focus on motorists creating a safe space for cyclists and the 'Love 30' campaign aims for 30 km/h speed limits in urban areas and especially near schools.

Colm Ryder, incoming Chairman of presented prizes to the winners of the photography competition: Eamonn Clancy-Power, John O’Connor and Sarah Maher.

Thanks to everyone who entered! You can read the whole article and see one of the amazing winning photos here.