Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

After last Monday's protest, this week has seen an unprecedented wave of media articles, in print, TV, and radio, and the letters pages of the national papers on cycling issues. Cycling as a mode of transport was given a great platform, which engendered much debate, and raised the profile of cycling advocacy, particularly in Dublin, but also nationwide. Both RTÉ and UTV had features on the protest, all national radio stations covered it as well, some in more depth than others, and most local radio stations in the Dublin area followed suit. The online media also featured the protest prominently, and our hashtag #allocate4cycling was trending.

So, what we now need is to follow up this veritable media storm and try to keep cycling on the agenda of both the media and the government, to ensure that cycling takes its rightful place in the broad transport, environment, and health debate! So, if you can help us in this crusade in any way we really need support on all fronts. Bring us your skills and we shall utilise them!

There are many ways you can help, if you have time to volunteer, please fill out our volunteer form here. And whether you volunteer your time of not, remember that for as little as €20 per year, you can become a member of the campaign and avail of great discounts in most bike shops around Dublin. And if you can come next Monday at 7.30pm to the Central Hotel, we will have a quick meeting of volunteers before the official public talk at 8pm.

Thanks to all of you who made it to the protest last Monday, hope to see you soon at one of our meetings, (future protests?) and around the streets of Dublin,

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

Enough is Enough! Cyclists Raise Their Voices

What a response from Dublin cyclists to the call-out by Dublin Cycling Campaign for cyclists’ voices to be heard demanding appropriate funding from the overall transport pie! About 800 cyclists gathered in Merrion Square on last Monday evening to show their support for far greater funding levels for cycling and to make cycling safe for all ages. Click here to read the whole article.

A special thanks to all our volunteer organisers who gave their time generously and in a very coordinated way - and, of course, a very special thanks goes out to all of you who came along and made the gathering such a great success! We are hoping you will consider supporting us and this type of activity by signing up as a member of Dublin Cycling Campaign - it only takes two minutes. You can be a part of the change to make our cities safe for cycling for as little as €20 per year. We also look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming meetings, the second Monday of every month at the Central Hotel.

Love 30 Update

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has not yet formally discussed their 30 km/h proposals, so it’s not too late to contact your local councillor and tell them about the roads / estates near you that need 30 km/h speed limits.

South Dublin County Council has commenced a public consultation on a proposal to introduce a universal km/h speed limit in all residential areas throughout the county.

The proposed 30km/h limit will be implemented through slow zone signage which it is intended will be provided at the entrance points to residential and school areas across South County Dublin. “Slow Zones” will be created which will be indicated by the provision of “Slow Zone” signs.
Submissions may be made online on or before 1st November 2016, click here for details.

Do you have good writing skills?
Can you lend us hand?

Dublin Cycling Campaign is (we think!) one of the busiest advocacy organisations in the capital. We are campaigning across multiple levels on a daily basis to represent the needs of everyday cyclists - and indeed those who would love to cycle, but are currently too scared to because of the city’s hostile traffic environment. And as many people find hard to believe, all of this happens on a 100% voluntary basis! Take a bow all of our super volunteers!

We are currently looking for a hand penning articles for our website and newsletter, and indeed with drafting other letters (click here for further details).

The ideal person would closely connect-in electronically with a number of our core volunteers and help the Campaign publicize the work we do and the issues we are working on. We would particularly love to hear from someone who has mastered the crafts of writing and editing! Email us on if you can help out, ideally including examples of what you have previously written.

Join Us! Become a Member – or Even Better an Active Member!

The Dublin Cycling Campaign is a completely voluntary group working on behalf of all cyclists in Dublin. The more members we have, the quicker we can transform the city and culture for the better. Join today! As a member you will receive a Cycling Rewards Card that gives you discounts at over 40 cyclist-friendly businesses.

Active Members

We have an email list where we occasionally send out requests for help with specific jobs or events. If you would like to be added to the list please email us at and you might let us know if you have a particular skill that might be useful. Being on the list is not an obligation to do work, but you might see something you would like to help out with.

Letter to Shane Ross, Minister of Transport

On Monday 3rd October, with the #allocate4cycling protest gathered outside, we handed a letter into Shane Ross TD's office in Leeson Lane.

You can send your own letter / email to Minister Ross using our suggested text. It only takes a few minutes and will help contribute to changing the culture!

Volunteer Needed!
Campaigners Seek Better Train-Bicycle Integration has a new working group examining how to integrate rail and cycling better. We want to see far higher quality cycle parking at all Irish rail stations, easier carriage of bicycles on trains and clearer information on how this can be done.

The working group includes representatives from, Kilkenny Cycling Campaign, Maynooth Cycling Campaign and Cycling Ireland. The next of our regular meetings with Irish Rail will take place on Thursday 20th October (afternoon).

We are now seeking a new volunteer (or several) from the wider cycling community who can help us prepare for these meetings. You can check out all the details in the website.

Please email the National Cycling Coordinator as soon as you can if you can help out (and ideally by Friday 14th October). Thank you.

Smart Cycling Challenge
Presenting Phase 1
Winning Projects

Next Monday October 10th, at 8pm, at the Central Hotel on Exchequer Street, at our next public meeting, we will have presentations by three of the five winners of Phase 1 of the Smart Cycling Challenge run by SmartDublin and Enterprise Ireland.

We will hear more about the projects from:

  • Ambie introducing BikeLook which monitors bicycle usage and deters and detects bicycle theft.
  • Fluidedge introducing Liberty Bell, a bell that allows cyclists to record actual or perceived obstacles to aid safe cycling in Dublin.
  • Limeforge Ltd. offers the See.Sense tracker providing a ‘find your iphone’-like capability allowing cyclists to easily track their stolen (or lost!) bikes.

Come along to find out how smart Dublin will be getting! There will be an opportunity for questions and answers with each of the participants. See you there!

Dublin Cycling Campaign Voting for Liffey Cycle Route

Earlier this week, we've announced that Dublin City Council’s Strategic Policy Committee on Transport would be debating the latest Option 7 proposal on the proposed Liffey Cycle Route. Dublin Cycling Campaign are represented on that committee by Derek Peppard who voiced our support for the latest design option for this route.

Cian Ginty from reports after the meeting on the "mixed views" from the councillors.

This Option 7 is certainly welcomed by Dublin Cycling Campaign (as strongly as we have opposed the previous Option!) and we will be calling for your support to keep the route on the Quays, stay tuned!