Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

We are busy bees (on wheels!) these days planning the St Patrick's Day Parade, making submissions to public consultations, attending conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops and planning and strategising for the years to come!

A lot goes on behind the scenes of the Dublin Cycling Campaign thanks to all our avid and active volunteers! We got a lot of media attention last month for the lunchtime cycling protest on February 22nd. If you couldn't make that one, no worries, there will be more to come!

Our big event ahead is the St Patrick's Parade and there are still a few spots available if you want to take part! We will be finalising details for the parade and planning future events at our Next Public Meeting on Monday 13th at 8pm (all details below). We hope to see you there, at the parade, future protests or around the streets of Dublin,

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

#Allocate4Cyling Protest & Petition

Many thanks to all our supporters who came out on their bicycles, or on foot, for the Cycle Protest on 22nd February! In case you missed it, here's great a short video done by Kieran, one of our volunteers.

More than 200 cyclists gathered at Leeson Lane and handed in a letter for the Minister demanding that 10% of the transport spending be allocated to cycling. After a rousing speech from the National Cycling Coordinator, Damien Ó Tuama we headed down St. Stephen’s Green and into Kildare Street where we gathered outside the Dáil. Here our numbers swelled to over 250, joined by our friends from the Irish Road Victims Association. Several TDs and Senators came out to meet us and expressed their support for cycling. We plan to have another protest soon - at a weekend - so that everybody, including children, can come. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, continue to show your support by signing #allocate4cycling petition or contact your local TD to asking him/her to take cycling seriously.

We are calling on the government and TDs more generally to: (1) allocate at least 10% of the Transport Budget to cycling (2) implement the National Cycle Policy Framework in full and (3) take action to reduce transport emissions so that Ireland fulfils its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement (of December 2015).

Campaign Membership Swells After Cycle Protests!

2017 has got off to a great start for the Campaign with more and more Dubliners joining up so as to support our work. We had a terrific boost after our recent cycle protests demanding greater investment in cycling. If you are not already a member of Dublin Cycling Campaign, do consider signing up. The more members - and indeed active volunteers - we have, the greater the pressure we can exert through our advocacy work - and the sooner the city will change and become cycling friendly for all ages. Thank you!

We are also looking for a volunteer to help our busy membership secretary keep up with the surge of new members. If you have an hour or two a week spare to help, contact us at

Velo-city 2017

It is less than three months to go to Velo-city 2017, the largest and undoubtedly the most stimulating and multi-dimensional cycling planning conference in the world. This year it takes place in Arnhem-Nijmegen in The Netherlands. Members of Dublin Cycling Campaign and have been attending Velo-city for well over 20 years and it continues to inspire us.

The sessions will cover every aspect of cycling planning/advocacy work, such as cycle-friendly spatial planning, cycling inclusive road design, infrastructural issues, recreational cycling / EuroVelo long distance routes, cycling and public health, cultural aspects of bicycling, cycle-logistics / cargo bikes - the list goes on!

We can’t wait for this one and to reconnect with our campaigning colleagues from all over the world. We will be organising a public meeting in the month(s) after Velo-city at which we will do our best to disseminate all the best ideas we come across. Watch this space!

St Patrick's Parade
Call out for participants!

Dublin Cycling Campaign are excited to announce our 8th year participating in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The 2017 theme is “Ireland You Are” and it’s all about reflecting on the type of nation we are - and indeed the type of nation we can or ought to be. We want to show Dublin and the world that cycling is the past, present, and future of our city. With 2017 as the 200th year anniversary of the bicycle, we will be highlighting the evolution of the bicycle and the variety of bicycles used today.
There are still a few spaces available for those who want to take part, check out all the information here. Big thanks to Garrett Murphy from G-WIZZ Creative Direction for the cool logo!

And if you want to find out more about the plans for the day come along to our next monthly meeting and help us make it the best bicycle parade ever! We are back at our usual venue of the Central Hotel on Exchequer Street and the Public Meeting starts at 8pm next Monday March 13th.

Free Communications & Marketing Training for Volunteers

From time-to-time the Cycling Campaign sends its active volunteers on short communications and marketing training courses. These range from social media, to creating content for the web, to writing a press release. The cycling campaign covers the cost and all you have to do is give up a half-day of your time. Do you want to learn new media skills which you can then use to help the cycling campaign? If the answer is yes, contact for more details.

20's Plenty for Us conference in Birmingham

Slower speeds save lives, save lifestyles and save money. That was the message from 20’s Plenty for Us '20's Plenty for Healthier Places' conference that took place on the 8th March 2017 in Birmingham. Mairead Forsythe and Muireann O’Dea attended the conference on behalf of the Love 30 Campaign and

Dublin was well represented as Roy O’Connor from Dublin City Council presented the plans to expand the 30 km/h zones in the city over the next few months. On 1st April 2017, the speed limit will be set to 30 km/h on nearly all roads within the canals. In July 2017, further residential areas outside of the canals will be added. The council have done baseline measurements of air, noise and speeds so it will be possible to measure the benefits after the new limits are introduced. They also measured journey times for cars travelling at 50 km/h and 30 km/h across the canal area and found that the lower speed limit adds less than a minute to journeys of 2.5 km.

Studies in cities across the UK have shown that the costs of implementing a wide-area 30 km/h scheme are recouped within 5 years as a result of reductions in road injuries.
Click here for more details!