Dear Cycling Campaign Supporter,

In the last five years, the number of cyclists in the streets of Dublin has more than doubled, but unfortunately the same can't be said for the money allocated for cycling, highlighted by the recent disappointing news of the funding for the Liffey Cycle Route being suspended. The time to act is now and there are many ways you can also contribute to make Dublin a safer and more cycle-friendly city.

We have been working on our Strategy Plan for the four years and we would like to invite you to participate in our working groups of Public Policy, Infrastructure, Public Perception and Organisation. You can reply to this email if you want to join a working group. And if you are a member of the campaign and would like to share your story, one of our newer members, Rachel, is looking for testimonials that can inspire more people to join (see article below).

If you are not a member of the Campaign yet, why not join today? Your contribution and participation will help help the work done by all our volunteers to make Dublin a more liveable city.

Happy Cycling!
Dublin Cycling Campaign

Air Pollution and Cycling as a Commuter in Dublin

Monday, October 9, 2017
Central Hotel, Dublin @ 8pm sharp

Be sure to come along to our next monthly public meeting taking place at 8pm on Monday 9th of October in the Central Hotel (Exchequer Street). It promises to be a fascinating talk on a hot topic in transport.

The talk will explore questions such as: what exactly is air pollution; how does it impact on the health of urban (and rural) cyclists; and how are cyclists exposed to air pollution in traffic compared to other road users? The talk will also address how individuals can try to reduce their exposure to air pollution and, crucially, how the problem can be addressed at regional and national levels.

The presentation will be delivered by Dr. Aonghus McNabola, a researcher at Trinity College Dublin. His research background and interests can be seen here.

We expect a large turn-out on the night, so do arrive early to be guaranteed a seat!

Fundraising Fellowship's Local Community Engagement programme

Dublin Cycling Campaign has been selected for the "Local Community Engagement programme under Fundraising Fellowship" In partnership with Business to Arts and community groups in the Dublin City Council administrative area to take part in an introductory seminar designed to discuss, develop and enhance skills in the area of fundraising for local and community-based organisations.

Interested groups are encouraged to have built their profile and implemented marketing plans in advance of the seminar, taking place 14 November 2017, 6-9pm at Wood Quay Venue.

This seminar is part of the Fundraising Fellowship, Dublin programme, a partnership between Dublin’s Culture Connects and the New Stream Fundraising Capacity Building Project operated by Business to Arts.

If you would like to attend please come to our next meeting on Oct 9th and discuss.

Our Working Groups: Infrastructure, Policy, Perception and Organisation

At our AGM we presented our new Strategic Plan for 2017-2020. As an outcome of our plan, we have formed working groups who are focused on achieving our strategic aims. These groups are addressing infrastructure, public policy, public perception, and improving how the Campaign operates. If you’d like to join the fun, please reply to this newsletter and identify which groups you’d like to join.

The Infrastructure Group: One of our first tasks is to outline the processes and systems in which infrastructure is developed and disseminate good cycling design standards and practices in a simplified and accessible format for all volunteers. Knowledge is Power!

The Public Policy Group is initially focusing on two elements: firstly, gathering data to enable us to show how much a modal-shift to cycling will bring to society; and secondly, looking at effective enforcement of traffic laws that impact on the cycling experience.

The Perception Group is still exploring possible actions with which to push forward our goal of promoting acceptance of cycling as a normal, joyful aspect of everyday life.

The Organisation Group is currently focusing on volunteer and member engagement, organisation governance, a new initiative on member testimonials and this year’s Christmas party.

Want a taste before committing? In November, we will bring these working groups to you for a workshopping session at our monthly meeting - so save the date (13 November)! You’ll get updates on our current work and can contribute to it.

Call out for Testimonials

My name is Rachel and I’ve been a member of the campaign since August this year. I have joined an action group within the Campaign and I’ve been looking at of ways to increase membership.

As someone who works much of the time online and on social media, I find that testimonials really resonate with people. My idea for the campaign is to post a graphic on our social media channels with a picture and a quote from the member telling us why they joined the Dublin Cycling Campaign.

If you are interested in taking part, please send one or two lines of text explaining why you joined the campaign, accompanied by a picture of yourself with your bike or in your gear, to

I will make the graphics, and if you wish, I can run them by you before they are posted on our channels. I have made the example above to give you an idea what they will look like. Looking forward to receiving your emails, Rachel.

Delay to Liffey Cycle Route is a Bitter Blow

The NTA has suspended funding on the project.

The Liffey Cycle Route received a further setback this morning when it was announced that the National Transport Authority (NTA) has suspended funding on the project to Dublin City Council. This means that all design and development work by Dublin City Council has ceased. The NTA will now engage a third party to review all design options for the Liffey Cycle Route, including options that have previously been ruled out.

This new delay to the project comes as a bitter disappointment to Dublin Cycling Campaign. The Liffey Cycle Route began with stakeholder consultations back in December 2011 and has gone through a number of design iterations since then, but there has yet to be a design presented that received universal support from cycling advocates, councillors, local residents, and business groups.

Click here to read the full story on our website and if you wish to become involved in this ongoing process, and work with us on seeking the best solution, please contact us at, marking your message LIFFEY.

South Dublin County Working Group

Do you live or work in South Dublin County? It extends from Lucan to Rathfarnham via Clondalkin, Tallaght, Firhouse, Knocklyon, Templeogue and Walkinstown. We are looking for people who live and work in the County to campaign for better provision for cyclists and for measures to encourage more people to cycle. If you would you like to join our South Dublin County Working Group, please contact Muireann O’Dea, Paul Corcoran or Mairéad Forsythe

Love 30 Update

30 km/h speed limits were the topic at The Road Safety Authority’s (RSA) Annual Academic Road Safety Lecture at the start of Road Safety Week 2017. Check out all the details here. The main speakers were Rod King of UK’s 20’s Plenty for Us Campaign and Dermot Stevenson Senior Executive Engineer with Dublin City Council.

Love 30 will be also making a submission supporting the introduction of 30 km/h in residential estates in Fingal and proposing that the 30 km/h limits be extended to town and village centres and roads surrounding schools. You can make your own submission or send your views to Colm Moore or Mairéad Forsythe

Join Us! Become a Member – or Even Better an Active Member!

Join Us! Become a Member – or Even Better an Active Member!
The Dublin Cycling Campaign is a completely voluntary group working on behalf of all cyclists in Dublin. The more members we have, the quicker we can transform the city and culture for the better. Join today! As a member, you will receive a Cycling Rewards Card that gives you discounts at over 40 cyclist-friendly businesses.