Eddie Dunbar has been nominated for the Irish Independent Young Sportstar of the Year award.

Set to ride for Aqua Blue Sport next year, Dunbar started the season very strongly with impressive rides that saw him finish 5th in the Classica da Arrabida in Portugal in March, and 2nd overall in the Triptyque des Monts et Chateaux (taking 2 top 10 stage finishes along the way).

Dunbar represented Ireland in the TT at the European Road Championships in Herning, Denmark in August where he was unfortunately ruled out of the road race with injury.

The highlight of his season though was undoubtedly his fantastic win at the Under 23 Tour of Flanders in April after a brilliant solo attack.

6 of Ireland's other top young sportstars are nominated along with Dunbar. Votes cannot be cast online however, instead voting forms are included in print editions of the Irish Independent. Full details on the nominees can be found through this link