Dutch team NWVG  Bike4Air , sponsored  by Fietsen & Koffie is returning  to Ireland once again to compete in the Visit Nenagh.ie Classic and the Team Time Trial after a succesful debute to Irish racing  in 2013 . Race Director Rene van Dam is delighted  to announce the confirmation of the very strong Dutch squad from his native Groningen in the Netherlands.  

As winners of the Dutch club competition in 2012 they  came to Ireland with a five man team, Lars Bartlau had to miss the trip due to an injury (broken collarbone)  picked up just hours before departure to Ireland . Marco Hoekstra, Bram Vermeij, Jos Harms, Sander Iwema and Bert van der Tuuk were the fastest of 10 teams at the inaugural Team Time Trial on the Saturday.

With spirits high for the  Classic on Sunday, Marco Hoekstra was the best of the Dutch in 4th place, behind twice winner of the Visit Nenagh.ie classic Timmy Barry , Damien Shaw (both AquaBlue) and Paidi o Brien (Osbourne Meats) . Since their visit to Ireland last spring , Marco Hoekstra scored himself a contract with Dutch Continental team Parkhotel.

At present  negotiations are still ongoing with another Dutch team and a couple of interesting “Irish” riders  to compete in the prestigious Visit Nenagh.ie Classic , where cycling is mixed with a festival of activities in the North Tipperary town.

On Saturday the 12th , the festival will kick start with a Team Time Trial. A course of 28.3km between the Five Alley (Nenagh) and Birdhill is laid out for this spectacular event. First team will depart from the ramp at Five Alley at 2pm.

On Sunday the 13th of April 2014 it is all happening in Nenagh. With first race leaving the Abbey Court Hotel at 10.30am, Nenagh Town Centre will be a hive of activity , with  a  food/crafts/art fair lined up in Pearse Street , where all races also  will finish. At present , the Visit Nenagh.ie Classic is one of a kind with a  fully closed (for other tradffic) Town centre finish.

New in 2014 is also a seperate Ladies race. The Ladies will cover a 67km newly designed route, including the introduction of the “country mile”, a 1.6km stretch of road with a slight difference. All other races will also conquer the “counry mile”.

For the third year hosted , the Visit Nenagh.ie Classic is now established on the Irish road race calendar  and produced in previous editions great winners like Timmy Barry , Ryan Mullen and Eddie Dunbar.

Registration for the Visit Nenagh.ie Classic is now open, places in all races  will be limited for safety and operational reasons. For further info and  pre entry , please visit