Former International Cyclist Comes on Board

Cycling Ireland has announced the appointment of Eugene Moriarty, a member of the Institute of Directors, as the latest addition to the Board. He replaces Senan Turnbull who stepped down in November as an Appointed Director. Former international cyclist, Moriarty, is very accomplished in both the sporting and professional realms. Originally from Listowel, Co. Kerry, Moriarty has competed at the top level of the sport, finishing fifth in the Road Race at the B World Championships in Uruguay in 1999, contributing to the qualification of a slot for Ireland in the Olympics in Sydney in 2000.

Currently residing in the Netherlands Moriarty has a range of professional qualifications from both the academic and business sides. He holds an honours degree in medical sciences, qualified as an accountant via the ACCA and has worked in asset management for the last number of years. He has extensive experience across a range of areas from finance, legal and IT to reporting and governance.

Speaking about the appointment of Moriarty to the Board, Cycling Ireland President Ciaran McKenna expressed his delight saying – “Eugene will bring a wealth of cycling and business experience to the Board, particularly in the area of Corporate Governance and Organisational Reform – with them being his two areas of expertise.”

Moriarty is looking forward to joining the Board of Cycling Ireland – I am flattered and honoured to have been approached to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of Cycling Ireland. I look forward to working together with my fellow directors, our members and our highly skilled and dedicated team at the Kelly Roche House, and beyond, to continue to build on the significant achievements of this great organisation for the benefit of our current and future generations.”

This appointment brings to eight the number of members on the Cycling Ireland Board of Directors. At the 2016 AGM the Memorandums and Articles were passed with a ruling to increase the Board of Directors to ten, once approved two further members will be appointed to the Board.