As one season is ending the next one is just around the corner!

The Event Application System for 2016 will remain open until 31st October 2015. Provincial Coordinators will commence approval in mid-October so the earlier you apply for your event, the better chance you have of getting your preferred date.

Events applied for after 31st October will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. Only events that are fully approved by 30th November will appear in the yearbook

Competitive Events:
We have made some minor system changes to make the task easier (primarily to ensure competitive events are set up as accurately as possible to enable on-line registration and updating of results particularly in the case of National Championships* and National Series) Also to further assist you in the application process, we have rolled over all last year’s events to the same day and corresponding date in 2016, i.e. an event held on Sunday 21st June 2015 has been rolled over to Sunday 19th June 2016. It will appear in your portal listing in “Draft” state. All you need to do is click “Edit”, change the date if desired and any other details you deem necessary and “Submit.”

*These events will be listed under the appropriate Provincial Executive for 2016 until awarded to the specific club.

Leisure Events:
We have also rolled over selected Sportives so that they appear on the calendar and you can plan your event around them. Again these will appear in draft state for review and submission. All other applications will need to be created from scratch.

New Event Calendar
For 2016 we have a revised Calendar which will display greater race details and give improved filtering facilities (i.e. by Province and Event type). It will also allows participants register online for relevant events on the face of the calendar.

The calendar, currently in demo format with sample 2015 events can be viewed here The real 2016 calendar will be available next week as applications come in and will give you visibility of “reserved” dates which will facilitate your selection of a suitable date. All submitted events will appear on it until 30th November after which only approved event will be displayed.

As always we are here to assist with any query via Subject: Event Applications 2016