As one season is ending the next one is just around the corner!

The Event Application System for 2017 will remain open until the 30th of November 2016. Provincial Coordinators will commence approval in mid-October so the earlier you apply for your event, the better chance you have of getting your preferred date.

To further assist you in the application process, we have rolled over all of last year’s competitive events to the same day and corresponding date in 2017, i.e. an event held on Sunday the 17th July 2016 has been rolled over to Sunday 16th July 2017. It will appear in your portal listing in “Draft” state. All you need to do is click “Edit”, change the date if desired and any other details you deem necessary and “Submit.”

Events applied for after 31st October will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. Only events that are fully approved by 30th November will appear in the yearbook.

On the Competitive Road Calendar, please note the dates below have been reserved for National Series, National and Provincial Championships. For example, on a National Series date no other A1 races can be held in the country, you may however apply for A2, A3, A4 on those dates.

March 19thNational Series Rd 1No other A1 races
April 23rdNational Series Rd 2No other A1 races
May 14thNational Series Rd 3No other A1 races
June 11thNational Series Rd 4No other A1 races
June 24th & 25thNational ChampionshipsNo other races
July 15th or 16thNational Series Rd 5No other A1 races
August 12thNational Series Rd 6No other A1 races
August 20thA3 & Junior ChampionshipsNo other A3 or JR races
August 27thProvincial ChampionshipsNo other races
September 3rdNational Series Rd 7No other A1 races

As always we are here to assist with any query you may have - just email with Event Applications 2017 as the subject.