Consultation Process February 2015


Governance is one of the Six Strategic Pillars of the recently launched Cycling Ireland Strategic Plan “A Pathway for Cycling Excellence 2015-1019.   To kick start the implementation of this Pillar, a Governance Review Group has been formed which has been given the following Terms of Reference:

‘To examine all relevant ‘Governance’ documents and procedures within Cycling Ireland and make recommendations for any changes deemed necessary to strengthen the operations, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and transparency across the organisation’ 

The members of the Group are Paul Atkinson, Anto Moran, Senan Turnbull (Chair) and Rory Wyley.

The Review Group wish to consult across the membership of Cycling Ireland to ask Provincial Executives, Commissions, clubs and members to comment, raise questions or make recommendations on the future governance structures and procedures for the organisation so as to deliver on the full ambition of the Strategy.

You are invited to make submission via by March 20th. All aspects of the systems and structures of CI are open for consideration.