Cycling Ireland Events Officer - Garry Nugent

Cycling Ireland has recently appointed Garry Nugent as Events Officer. Garry's primary focus will be on the soon to be launched Irish Sports Council and Cycling Ireland Sportive, but will also act as a support to event organisers around the country. We caught up with Garry shortly after he started in his new position. 

How did you get involved in cycling? 

I started racing with my local club when I was 13, that was in 1987, the Kelly/Roche era. Cycling has been in my family down through the years and they have been involved in my races but mainly in grass track racing. When I started cycling my brothers and I were completely new to the sport of road racing. Cycling gave us freedom and the bike has taken us on many journeys, which has still not come to an end. I finished racing several years ago but decided to put something back into the sport. I am now a commissiare and officiate at events around the country. My first venture into event management was the Armagh-Downpatrick St.Patrick’s Classic. This was a great point to point event for A2 riders, unfortunately it came to an end but as one door closes another one opens.

You have been involved with the organisation of some high profile events in cycling, like the Celtic Chrono, what do you enjoy about working on these projects? 

Organising cycling events has now become a part of my life. I have been working at the Tour of Ulster for the past 10 years and now I have become the Event Director of the AmberGreen Energy Tour of Ulster. All events present their own challenges but one of the main elements I enjoy is trying to persuade sponsors to become involved allowing them the opportunity to see first-hand what the sport is really about. I like the challenge of building the event team and giving them the chance to develop their skills. The Celtic Chrono for me was my first venture into running an UCI event. This was a huge task which to this day has further developed me and showed me what it really takes to organise events.

As Events Officer with Cycling Ireland, what are your goals and ambitions for your time in this role? 

My new role with Cycling Ireland will allow me to work alongside many events in the and to give guidance what I have learned over the years. The sport of cycling is continuing to grow and we have a responsibility to ensure everyone is safe in our events. I also have responsibility in developing new events to make the sport more attractive and to educate the general public on the many benefits of cycling.