Marcus Christie is one of Ireland’s top Time Triallists, who has represented Ireland on the Road and Track for many years. After taking a break from cycling for a number of years, Marcus is back, and stamping his mark on the scene, and is the current National Record holder of the 25 mile TT, 50 mile TT and the 100 mile TT.



We caught up with Marcus as he prepares for the 2015 season, when he plans on making his mark on the international stage, and embarks on a crowd funding project with Pledge Sports, to make his dreams possible.


The Derry born rider, who will turn 24 in January, rides for Bissell ABG Giant and is excited about the coming season, which will kick off with a fundraising cycle in Derry.


How did you get involved with cycling?

I found a talent ID poster in Magee university gym beside my school Foyle and Londonderry College. It was for the track, I progressed through the various rounds and have working with Tommy Evans ever since. It came at the perfect time as I just stopped athletics with a foot injury and wasn't ready to give up my athlete dream.


Had you been involved with other sports before cycling?

Athletics.  I won ulster and all Ireland schools medals in cross country, and middle distance on the track 800m/ 1500m, and the young athletics league 3000m final in Birmingham- my last race.


Who has been your biggest influence?

When I started athletics it was the old footage of Seb Coe and Steve Ovett. They're rivalry really gave me the competitive bug. In similar fashion in cycling it was the Armstrong v's Ullrich duel. Wiggins was a big inspiration when I started out on the track and now with what he's achieved on the road he's just a legend! Also seeing a local lad like Philip Deignan achieve what he has, in the toughest sport in the world in my opinion, Philip is a big inspiration that it is possible to make your dreams reality. When I think about it, sport has been my life for as long as I can remember!


What is your favourite cycling session?

Threshold intervals on the road; you can just take your frustration out on the pedals for sustained periods of time, and when you’re finished you’re completely empty. It's like seeing a shrink but it's free and good for your fitness :)


What’s your biggest achievement to date?

In time trial terms I'm proud of my 50 mile and 100mile national records. Road racing it has to be the kermesse win in Belgium last season in my comeback year. That day was the best I ever felt on a bike and I showed a lot of savvy throughout the race which shows I can do it.


And this year... What are your season goals?

Get results in a few American stage races with TT's. Aim for national TT champion and get selected for world champs in USA.


Everyone loves cycling – what do you love most?

The freedom you get on a bike. It is like an escape, your alone with your thoughts and often I solve my problems whilst on my bike, you have a clearer mind to make rational decisions I feel.



We wish Marcus all the best in the coming season – if you want to help him achieve his goal, why not check out his fundraising site on Pledge Sports, and keep an eye out for his fundraising sportive.