We recently conducted a survey on cyclists who were previously members of Cycling Ireland but did not renew their membership. Our main reason was to understand why they did not renew, and what we can do to make our service more attractive to them. 

As an incentive for filling out the survey there were two winners of a FitBit. 

Here were the main findings from the survey:

  • Almost 700 people completed the survey, half of whom offered to be part of further involvements regarding improvements that can be made. 

  • Two thirds of the respondents would like to remain in touch with us by social media and newsletters, while not being actual members. 

  • 94% of the respondents were over 30 years of age and three quarters were leisure members. Most of these were members of Cycling Ireland for less than five years. 

  • The main reason people cited for joining was because it was required for the club or an event, but over half also stated that they joined to be part of the cycling community.

  • Over half the people stated that they left due to not being cycling much anymore, with almost half also not sure of the benefits of having a Cycling Ireland licence. Most of those who weren't cycling much indicated a desire to renew membership if they cycle more in the future.

  • When asked what would encourage them to renew two thirds said they would like more membership discounts and cheaper membership, while almost half would like access to more training programmes and cycling tips.

Over the coming months we will be conducting a full review of this, and endeavour to improve our service to our members.