As a Cycling Ireland member, you may or may not be aware of the plans for the Liffey Cycling Route – the following is a brief update on the current status of the project and what it’s about.


For some time Dublin City Council has been involved in a process of drawing up plans for a cycle route to run from the Phoenix Park at Parkgate St (just past Heuston Station moving away from the City centre) to the 3 Arena (former Point Depot).

The project plans are currently on display at three locations – the Civic Offices at Wood Quay, the Central Library at the Ilac Centre and Pearse Street Library – and Dublin City Council are requesting views to be submitted as part of a non-statutory public consultation process.


Four options are being considered and can be viewed on where you can also access and submit the Feedback form.

This project has the potential to put cycling firmly to the fore as a real commuting and tourist option in Dublin. In recent years, due in no small part to the success of the Bike Rental and the Bike-to-Work schemes, cyclist numbers have soared – a cycle-friendly route along the Liffey, the main artery to city, would further catapult numbers taking to the bike, and could tip the balance in favour of Dublin becoming a true cycling city.

Cycling Ireland strongly urges members to go online to complete and submit the feedback form. While there are four options for consideration, the last, which preserves the status quo of secondary cycle structures on both sides of the river, would not be of benefit to cyclists. Realistically, Option Two, which would create a two-way cycling facility, while removing buses at the pinch points on Arran and Ellis Quays, would be of greatest benefit to cyclist’s safety and comfort. As commercial interests have already expressed opposition to the proposal, cyclists need to be counted in large numbers by registering their views, so please go online as soon as you can.


Submissions will be accepted until Friday April 17th.


Please pass this information on to all the bike lovers you know – and to all those you know who would love to be able to cycle around the city in comfort.


Option 1 (mockup below & details at very end):
 A two-way route along the north quays. This would not see a reduction in the number of traffic lanes but a new section of boardwalk would be needed between Arran and Ellis Quay.


Option 2:
 A two-way route on the north quays with buses re-routed to a new public transport corridor on Benburb St (between Heuston Station and Ellis Quay).


Option 3:
 A two-way north quays route with buses rerouted to the north of the Croppy Acre which would be extended down towards the Liffey.


Option 4:
 A one-way route on each side of the Liffey. The cycle tracks would be alongside the buildings and bus and general traffic would not be effected.


If you’d like to see the options in person, there are info stands at Civic Offices on Wood Quay, Dublin 8, the Central (Ilac) Library and Dublin City Library & Archive, 138-144 Pearse Street.

The Council will use this feedback to select a preferred route option. The preferred route will be subject to statutory consultation and planning processes.

Detailed drawings for Section A (Between Heuston Station and Church St), Section B (Church St to Memorial Rd) and Section C (Memorial Rd to The Point) can be viewed below: