Garda Vetting to be Legal Requirement for Those Working with Young and Vulnerable Cyclists

Cycling Ireland would like to inform all members who work with young or vulnerable cyclists that the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 will be commenced on 29th April 2016, which will make it a statutory requirement for all people working with children or vulnerable persons to be vetted. While the 29th April has been announced as the official date for the commencement of these Acts, this is subject to sign off from the caretaker Minister in the Department of Justice and Equality.

What does this mean

The National Vetting Bureau Act provides a legislative basis for the mandatory vetting of individuals who wish to undertake certain work or activities, either in a paid or voluntary capacity, relating to children or vulnerable persons. In essence any person who engages with children or vulnerable persons on a regular, ongoing basis must have received confirmation from Cycling Ireland that they are ‘deemed acceptable' to fill the position from a National Vetting perspective. Under the National Vetting Bureau Act it will be an offence to engage with children or vulnerable persons on a regular, ongoing basis in the absence of clearance from Cycling Ireland.

National Vetting Bureau Procedural Arrangements

In order to facilitate the smooth transition from the existing vetting system to that of the new National Vetting Bureau, no Garda Vetting applications will be accepted until the 29th April, at which time only the new forms will be accepted.

New Garda Vetting Form and ID Validation Form

Under the new legislation all new applicants will be required to complete a Garda Vetting ID Validation Form that must be submitted along with the New Garda Vetting Form.

Authorised Liaison Person in Cycling Ireland, Rachel Ormrod reiterated the need for anyone working with young or vulnerable persons in cycling to make sure they submit their application on the new forms saying “Garda Vetting is well established and has been incorporated into our recruitment and selection procedures for a number of years now. The commencement of the Act in April means that Garda Vetting will become legislative. Therefore, is it imperative, that all members with direct responsibility for the supervision and safety of children and vulnerable persons partake in the vetting process. The reality for most of our members, is that they are already vetted and the commencement of the Act is of no real consequence. Cycling Ireland vetting is valid for 3 years after which time members are required to re-vet.“

Cycling Ireland would like to remind all its members that with Garda Vetting now legislative it is a legal requirement for them to be vetted by the organisation if they are intending on working with young or vulnerable persons. The 29th April is the date when this Act commences, so please ensure that you download and complete the GARDA VETTING ID VALIDATION AND VETTING FORM, returning it to Cycling Ireland.