The handing over of the MPDL submission yesterday to Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport - Shane Ross - held much significance for the cycling community. The document outlining the recommendations, enforcement processes, and rationale behind the importance of introducing an minimum passing distance legislation for cyclists was developed and supported by a range of cycling groups - including Cycling Ireland.

The main advocate and driver behind this legislation is Phil Skelton, head of the Stayin' Alive at 1.5 campaign, and yesterday at the handover of the document, as well as a large petition from the cycling community, he was supported by a number of cycling groups, as well as Minister Ciaran Cannon, who was instrumental in getting the bill to this stage.

Next week a Joint Oireachtas Committee will be meeting in the Dáil to discuss MPDL as well as a number of other road safety measures with a view to making amendments to the road traffic act. Should this be passed next week it will mean that it will make dangerous close passes by motorists illegal.

Similar legislations have been passed in jurisdictions around the world, and have a proven record of reducing road fatalities.

Thank you
Phil Skelton for your devoted work in getting the bill to this stage, five long years of campaigning - now it is up to the Ministers, TDs and government to do the right thing, and put in measures to save the lives of cyclists.