Belgium national cyclocross coach Rudy de Bie played host to the latest National Cyclocross Development Squad day last weekend. Twenty two riders availed of the vast experience and guidance of Rudy at the National Sports Campus in Dublin. Some of the discipline’s most notable pro riders and world champions such as Sven Nys, Bart Wellens and Mario de Clerq all came through the cyclocross ranks under the close guidance and mentoring of Rudy de Bie.

The day started with cyclocross skills and timed sessions as parents of the young riders looked on. Rudy, joined by Cycling Ireland Cyclocross Coordinator Andy Layhe, took the riders through a series of cyclocross specific skills and drills aimed at improving their technique and speed.

After the session, riders and parents were given a guided tour of the Sport Ireland Institute high performance unit. The unit enables Ireland’s most prolific athletes to train under the best conditions available. The €4 million facility houses a state of the art strength and conditioning unit, lab testing facilities, ice baths, rehab treatment centre and athletes kitchen and recovery zones.


After lunch riders were treated to a question and answer session with Rudy and Andy which included a wide range of cyclocross specific topics such as warm up and warm down techniques, recovery and season planning.

Sunday saw Rudy travel north for the Kinning Cycles Ulster Cyclocross Championships where many of the riders who took part in Saturday’s coaching day were competing. Rudy was very impressed with the quality of riders he witnessed over the course of the weekend, “It’s really great to be here, my first time visiting Ireland. I have been very impressed with the riders and their standard is high. I’m particularly impressed to see the large number of women riding cyclocross here compared to other countries which is a great sign for the future.”


Cycling Ireland would like to thank Rudy for his time here and to the squad riders and parents who came along to make the day a success.

Photos courtesy: Suzanne Clarke