Ollie Kelly:

The owners of Bike Worx bicycle shop in Celbridge commissioned Master Bicycle restorer Brendan Hennessy to renovate a bike owned and ridden by their grandfather Ollie Kelly.

Ollie was a very accomplished time trialist in the mid 1940’s and in 1945 he achieved the ‘hat trick’ by winning 25 mile, 50 mile and 100 mile National Championships

The restored bike is one of three ‘Rudge Aero’s’ that were built specially for three Irish cyclists. One was presented to the Irish Olympian Bertie Donnelly, one to Alo Donegan the first man to do 25 miles in under an hour and the third one was presented to Ollie Kelly.

The bike has been carefully restored but as with all Brendan’s work he still managed to maintain the character of the original bike.

On Thursday 1st November there will be an ‘reveal’ ceremony in the Bikworxs shop and the Rudge will be returned to the Kelly family. Anyone interested in this unique piece of Irish Cycling history is welcome to come along and join in the celebration.

October 2018