On Yer Bike to the Euro’s 2016: The FAI - Mustard Seed Euro Cycle

Deemed to be the hottest charity cycle of the summer, The FAI - Mustard Seed Euro Cycle will take place this June and will include some 130 cyclists, on two wheels, from the Aviva Stadium to the Stade de France, finishing up with much sought after match tickets for the first Ireland game; Ireland Vs Sweden, in the UEFA Euro 2016 tournament.

Joining the FAI’s Martin O’Neill and John Delaney for the launch of the cycle at the Aviva were Roz Purcell and three of Ireland’s Dragons from The Dragon’s Den, Niall O’Farrell, Bobby Kerr and Sean Gallagher.

And you don’t have to be a pro to take part either! The Dublin2Paris cycle offers participants two route options from a duration and difficulty point of view, so that whatever your fitness level you can be part of this extraordinary adventure!

For the more competent cyclist the route will cover 700km over five days on the saddle; Dublin - Rosslare - Cherbourg and on-wards to Paris. For those who wish to partake but on a more recreational level, the shorter route of 200km with two days on the saddle fly’s them from Dublin to Nantes, where they join with the group and together freewheel it to Paris.

This all inclusive package covers everything from flights, ferry, accommodation, insurance, bike transport, match ticket, meals etc; not to mention a barrel full of fun and craic along the way, in which has to be the most novel mode of transport to the Euro’s 2016!

Full route information can be found on

Mustard Seed Communities, (MSC) is a charity dedicated to caring for disabled and abandoned children in Jamaica, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Zimbabwe. Founded over 30 years ago by Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon, MSC now cares for over 600 children.

All proceeds raised through the Dublin2Paris cycle will go directly to Mustard Seed Communities. The event organisers hope to raise €300,000 to fund the building and operations of a school at a Mustard Seed Communities ‘Little Angels’ project in Zimbabwe, at Woodville, Bulawayo.

So what are you waiting for! Make a difference this summer, join ‘the Dragons’ and be part of an amazing group of people who will come together to help change the lives of the most deserving children. Just cover your costs €1,250 and raise a further €2,250 to be a part of this amazing road trip, supporting our Boys in Green and helping those who are most vulnerable on the way!