CORKAGH PARK Family Fun Day DATE 29th of August Time 10am to 2pm

Following on from the success of last year’s event Paracycling Ireland is hosting a come and try day on the 29th of August in Corkagh Park for cyclist of all disabilities to try out cycling in a safe and controlled environment.There will be a number of experienced cyclist at the event to help out and give advice on how best to ride your bike.  Some bikes will be available on the day but advisable to bring your own if you have one.

Directions to Corkagh Park can be found at the following link.,-6.4119816,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x4867736295ce0e03:0xd2e67999c319b944

Parking is available and refreshments will be provided. Any further information please Contact Jerry Towey 0867239978 Declan Slevin 0872500827