In the build up towards next year's Summer Olympics in Rio the International Cycling Union (UCI) has appointed Cycling Ireland's Paul Watson as a member of the Commissaires' Panel for the track competitions. Paul will be one of the 5 person panel of appointed International Commissaires supplemented by local National Commissaires who will oversee the track racing in the Rio Olympic Velodrome. The Irishman has worked on a very impressive list of events in 2015 including Chief Commissaire at the Junior Track Cycling World Championships in Kazakhstan, Bradley Wiggins Hour Record and the recent London 6 Day in addition to passing his UCI Para Cycling Commissaire's examination and assessment. He is currently officiating at the Track Cycling World Cup in New Zealand. But 2016 looks to surpass his achievements to date with appointments already secured for the UCI Track Cycling World Championships in London, the UCI Para-cycling World Championships in Italy and some 6 International Road Races in Europe.


Paul’s appointments to the Track Cycling World Championships in London and now the Summer Olympics in Rio are outstanding achievements brought about by the professionalism he has displayed since becoming a UCI International Commissaire. Given there is no indoor velodrome in Ireland in which Paul could gain track experience prior to becoming a UCI International Track Commissaire his inclusion in this group of elite track commissaires has been tremendous. His success and upcoming appointments have been well merited achievements for him.