National Sports Campus Confirms Approval of Planning Permission for the Velodrome

Ireland’s National Velodrome and Badminton Centre passed another hurdle, with the planning permission being granted by Fingal County Council for the building on the National Sports Campus, which is based in Abbotstown. This is a National Sports Campus Development Authority project which will benefit both Cycling Ireland and Badminton Ireland, comprising of a 250m track along with 16 indoor Badminton Courts. The next step in this process is to secure funding for the build.


While Irish track cycling is at an all-time high on both a domestic and international level, there is currently no indoor Velodrome in the country. The presence of this Velodrome would significantly boost the numbers of people participating in the sport, attracting younger riders in particular. CEO of Cycling Ireland, Geoff Liffey, sees this as a positive step forward in the process saying “This is a good milestone to overcome, as now we can focus on securing funding, in the knowledge that planning permission has been granted.”


The National Sports Campus in Abbotstown has been steadily expanding over the past few years, currently houses many sports, and several new developments in progress.