Exciting new Series Designed to Increase Competition for Top Domestic Riders

Details of a new National Road Race Series for Ireland’s top male riders are being finalised by Cycling Ireland, in an effort to encourage riders to compete together as often as possible. Draft plans are currently being discussed by the Provincial Executives, with the proposed roll-out in the upcoming season.

With the races evenly spread across all four provinces, and several events in each province, the aim is to have Ireland’s top national level riders competing alongside each other as often as possible. The National Series will provide a season long focus for the country’s top domestic riders.

The likely structure will see each province holding a number of events, all of which are already on the race calendar, but which, with approval, will now also count towards the series. While riders won’t have to travel to every race, they will be encouraged to compete outside their own Province as well as locally.

More details on this Men’s National Road Race Series will be announced following the consultative process that is currently taking place provincially.