Dear members,

I would like to draw your attention and seek your support for some proposed changes we are seeking to adopt to our Memorandum & Articles governing document at our upcoming Cycling Ireland AGM on November 12
th. The main driver for these changes is arising from the consolidation of company law into the new Companies Act 2014 which requires some technical amendments to be made to our articles. In addition, some additional changes are being proposed at this time and these are outlined in the summary changes document.

I would ask that any member(s) who have observations or queries on these changes to submit them via email to our Company Secretary (Geoff Liffey via no later than October 12th. The final AGM notice will be issued on Oct 14th and this will include the final draft wording of the proposed changes to the Memorandum & Articles.

Changes to the Memorandum and Articles of Association are subject to approval by the Revenue Commissioners and must be passed by means of a special resolution at an AGM. A special resolution requires 75% approval by those present and voting at the General Meeting. Please note, no changes to the changes as proposed in the notice of the General Meeting are permitted at the General Meeting. It is for this reason we are seeking your comments ahead of the AGM. A representative from our legal team in Leman’s Solicitors will be present at the AGM should any technical matters arise on the day.

I look forwarding to meeting some of you at the AGM in the coming weeks.

Yours in Sport

Ciaran McKenna

The Memorandum and Articles of Association filed to the CRO in June can be found HERE

The new draft version of the Memorandum and Articles of Association can be found HERE

A summary of the main changes can be found HERE